LuxCal250 Lux and Luminance Meter Calibration

Oct. 17, 2017
The LuxCal250 provides accurate luxmeter calibration over an exceptionally wide dynamic range. Comprising a light-tight enclosure housing standards of illuminance, Bentham’s LuxCal250 presents a straightforward and cost-effective calibration solution obviating requirements typical of traditional, distance-based calibration. Core benefits + Calibrate luxmeter/ luminance meters in accordance with ISO/CIE 19476:2014 + No Darkroom or optical bench required to achieve wide dynamic range + Calibration traceable to PTB, Germany + Optional luminance or UKAS accredited calibration Features - Houses standards in light tight enclosure with easy access to position devices under test - Colour shifted (2856K quartz tungsten halogen (QTH) standards (CIE illuminant A) - Output level of the illuminance calibrator is varied via four neutral density filters, providing five calibration levels - Lab jack and height gauge, featuring a laser alignment aid, allow accurate positioning of device under test - Output level of the luminance calibrator is varied via three neutral density filters, providing four calibration levels - Includes high performance 610 programmable constant current power supply Reported Parameters- Illuminance ( lx )- Optional Luminance ( cd.m ^(-2) )

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