Infinite Graphics Inc

Minneapolis, MN 55406


About Infinite Graphics Inc


4611 E Lake St
Minneapolis, MN 55406
United States

More Info on Infinite Graphics Inc

Infinite Graphics Incorporated (IGI) is a software company offering CAD/CAM software and custom projects. IGI has served the PCB/Flex/Rigid Flex, precision photolithography and other electronics manufacturing industries since 1970.

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Additional content from Infinite Graphics Inc

Buyer's Guide


PCB CAD/CAM software tools for DFM analysis, DRC, Netlist Extract and Compare, Electrical Test, AOI, Graphical Editing of conflict areas, Panelization and more. Let us configure...
Buyer's Guide

Gen Stencil

Take stencil editing down - from hours to minutes. Accelerate data preparation with automatic, repeatable stencil edits. The system learns as it is used, increasing productivity...
Buyer's Guide

IGI Software Applications

IGI offers advanced graphics software for producibility analysis, building phototools, solder paste stencil generation, AOI, probe testing, panel layout and data conversion. We...
Buyer's Guide

IGI PT - Phototooling Toolbox

PT is ideal for applications where traditional PCB and IC editing tools are inadequate, such as MEMS, MOEMS and read/write head flexures. Designed for hierarchical editing and...
Buyer's Guide

IGI PT Viewer -- Free Download

Our free viewer has features that make it stand out from the crowd: Easy input; Show information about any feature; Find zero-width and smallest features; Calculate areas and ...