Alcatel dedicates new grou¥to all-optical networks

July 1, 1997
In an effort to hasten the evolution of the all-optical network layer, Alcatel Network Systems (Richardson, TX) is creating an optical networks product group. The new division will develo¥flat-gain optical amplifiers, dense wavelength-division multiplexing systems, optical add/dro¥rings, and optical crossconnects, under the direction of Joe Bass, vice president and general manager of Alcatel. "The evolution of optical networks will lead to more advanced networks that provide wavelength r

Alcatel dedicates new grou¥to all-optical networks

In an effort to hasten the evolution of the all-optical network layer, Alcatel Network Systems (Richardson, TX) is creating an optical networks product group. The new division will develo¥flat-gain optical amplifiers, dense wavelength-division multiplexing systems, optical add/dro¥rings, and optical crossconnects, under the direction of Joe Bass, vice president and general manager of Alcatel. "The evolution of optical networks will lead to more advanced networks that provide wavelength routing capability and new bit rate and format-independent services falling outside of the SONET and SDH standards," says Bass. The Alcatel 1633 SX 4096 port configuration is now commercially available. The company claims that this remains the largest broadband digital crossconnect ever built.

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