The SC500-FC, a low-cost, quasi-continuous-wave supercontinuum fiber laser source, is part of Fianium's (Southampton, UK) ultrafast fiber laser line. It offers MHz repetition rates, in excess of 0.25W average power, and has a single-mode fiber-delivered output that can be spliced or connected to any system or device under test.
The SC500-FC has been developed to meet the growing need for quasi-continuous, turnkey broadband sources for component characterization within the photonics sector. Its high repetition rate (20MHz) and brightness (greater than 100uW/nm) promises to eliminate power and repetition-rate issues inherent to superluminescent light-emitting diode (SLED) and alternative Q-switched supercontinuum sources. According to the company, existing 'white light' sources rely on fairly narrow band SLEDs and ASE sources or Q-switched supercontinuum lasers which have issues with very low repetition rates in the KHz range.
Delivering a continuous optical spectrum spanning from below 500nm to beyond 2um, the SC500-FC incorporates a high power optical isolator which makes the technology immune to optical feedback and enables direct splicing of the single mode delivery fiber to devices, components and systems.
The SC500-FC complements Fianium's SC400 and SC450 ranges of mode-locked supercontinuum laser systems. The company says all of its lasers are air-cooled, maintenance free and computer controlled. Additional features include fast modulation, with sub-millisecond rise and fall times, enabling fast interlocking and integration into automated processes.
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Fianium 's SC500-FC