The USB2000+ miniature fiber optic spectrometer from Ocean Optics (Dunedin, FL) is designed to monitor high-speed chemical and biochemical reactions. The CCD-array detector, with a high-speed USB 2.0 port interface, can capture and store a full spectrum into memory at 1000 scans per second. The spectrometer measures optical properties within a wavelength band of 200 to 1100 nm. It can be equipped with a custom-selected fixed grating, which disperses the light to the 2048-element CCD array detector, producing results at a resolution to 0.35nm with FWHM (full width at half maximum) image sharpness.
The USB2000+ programmable microcontroller allows flexibility in controlling the spectrometer through its digital and analog general-purpose input/output interface, and it can be used in various trigger modes. The internal nonvolatile EEPROM memory chip stores the wavelength calibration to be automatically used by the operating software.
Ocean Optics