Amelie Auger is founder and president of AA Service Tech Inc. (Ste-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier, QC, Canada). Through this self-sufficient startup and her vast knowledge and understanding of all laser systems, she works closely with researchers from all over the world in the laser community to assist and ensure their successful work. Her love of the photonics and physics industries began in high school; she later earned a degree in Applied Physics Technology. Amelie began her career as a research technician at the ALLS laboratory near Montreal, QC, Canada, and later became a field service engineer at KMLabs in Colorado.
“I feel grateful about this award. It’s nice that the efforts of the next generation are encouraged and highlighted,” Auger says. “I see this as a recognition for all my efforts to start my business and support scientists. Having happy customers is a really important reward for me, but being recognized by a committee, among other very talented and dedicated people is also rewarding.”
Justine Murphy | Multimedia Director, Digital Infrastructure
Justine Murphy is the multimedia director for Endeavor Business Media's Digital Infrastructure Group. She is a multiple award-winning writer and editor with more 20 years of experience in newspaper publishing as well as public relations, marketing, and communications. For nearly 10 years, she has covered all facets of the optics and photonics industry as an editor, writer, web news anchor, and podcast host for an internationally reaching magazine publishing company. Her work has earned accolades from the New England Press Association as well as the SIIA/Jesse H. Neal Awards. She received a B.A. from the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.