Infinera names Deryck Robinson VP of Subsea Sales

April 1, 2011
Sunnyvale, CA--With responsibility for leading its subsea sales activities globally, Infinera named Deryck Robinson vice president of Subsea Sales.

Sunnyvale, CA--With responsibility for leading its submarine or subsea fiber-optic communications sales activities globally, Infinera (Nasdaq: INFN) named Deryck Robinson VP of Subsea Sales. Robinson will provide leadership for a dedicated team focused on expanding Infinera business in the large and growing subsea or submarine segment of the fiber-optic networking market.

Infinera Submarine Solutions have seen a rapid uptake in the market for SLTE (submarine line terminal equipment) since 2009. Based on the Infinera DTN--the first optical system based on large-scale photonic integrated circuits or PICs, Infinera Submarine Solutions offer submarine operators the opportunity to cost-effectively increase subsea network capacity, while at the same time benefiting from the DTN’s advantages of ease of use, space efficiency, and a seamless subsea-terrestrial network. Infinera Submarine Solutions have been deployed across the Atlantic, between North and South America, and in the Indian Ocean. In February, Infinera announced the deployment of a DTN network in the Mediterranean for MedNautilus, a division of Telecom Italia. Infinera Submarine Solutions have been deployed worldwide for customers for a total of more than 85,000 route-kilometers. The Submarine addressable market is projected to be worth as much as $891 million this year, up 15% from last year, according to data from independent market analysts Ovum.

"Submarine operators realize that the continuing growth in submarine bandwidth is a strain on existing submarine fiber cable systems," said Deryck Robinson. "We believe that these operators are turning to Infinera because our solutions enable rapid, cost-effective capacity upgrades to new and existing subsea fiber cable systems."

Robinson joined Infinera in 2006 as a senior sales director and played a key role in Infinera’s achievement of a leadership position in the North American long-haul market.

SOURCE: Infinera;

Posted by:Gail OvertonSubscribe now to Laser Focus World magazine; It’s free! Follow us on TwitterFollow OptoIQ on your iPhone. Download the free App here

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