Laser servo from Vescent Photonics offers side and peak lock options

July 6, 2011
The D2-125, with both side and peak lock options, enables high-bandwidth (10 MHz) servo control of lasers.
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The D2-125, with both side and peak lock options, enables high-bandwidth (10 MHz) servo control of lasers. Dual outputs provide feedback to both PZT and current. The PI2D loop filter, with two-stage internal feedback, gives tight locking to cavities and atomic/molecular transitions. Full user control over the loop-filter parameters enables optimization for a variety of plants.
Vescent Photonics
Denver, CO

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Company: Vescent Photonics, Inc. Denver, Colorado


Product Description:

The D2-125 with both side & peak lock options enables high bandwidth (10MHz) servo control of lasers. Dual outputs provide feedback to both PZT and current. The PI2D loop filter, with two-stage internal feedback, gives tight locking to cavities and atomic/molecular transitions. Full user-control over the loop-filter parameters enables optimization for a wide variety of plants.


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