Montreal, Canada--MPB Communications (MPBC) Inc. has signed a licensing agreement with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) for the ESO Fiber Raman Amplifier Technology developed by ESO for narrow-band amplification.According to the company, the ESO narrow-band Raman amplifier technology fits with MPBC's existing core competency in Raman fiber lasers, which the comany says, it has been supplying to the telecommunications industry for more than ten years. The adoption of the new ESO narrow-band amplifier technology opens the door to new markets, based on the ability to amplify narrow-band input signals without spectrum broadening. The licensed amplifier technology forms the basis of two new products offered by MPBC.Narrow band Raman amplifiers are capable of amplifying an input signal, as narrow as a few megahertz without spectrum broadening. Wavelengths between 1028 and 1185 nm are currently available, with custom wavelengths available based on demand.Narrow band visible Raman Amplifiers are capable of amplifying a narrow, polarized input signal without spectrum broadening, after which the amplified signal is doubled to the visible using MPBCs frequency doubler. Visible output powers of the order of few watts at wavelengths between 514 and 592 nm are currently available, with custom wavelengths available based on demand.MPBC, in partnership with Toptica Photonics AG, was awarded a 5.2 million contract from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) to develop four continuous-wave, high-power (25W) laser guide stars at 589 nm for installation on ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Paranal, Chile in September 2013. MPBC provides the novel narrow-band, polarization-maintaining Raman fiber amplifiers used to amplify the output of a Toptica narrow-band laser diode at 1178 nm which is then converted to 589 nm by a resonantly-enhanced high-power frequency doubler from Toptica.For more information visit MPB Communications Inc.