DigiLock 110 provides digital laser stabilization and can be used to computer control and analyze the laser. The latest software version enables one computer to control up to four devices, and a comprehensive interface provides remote TCP/IP access to all functions. Capabilities include multichannel oscilloscope functionality and control over laser frequency.
Toptica Photonics
Victor, NY
[email protected]
Digital Laser Control and Laser Frequency Stabilization with New Features: DigiLock 110
TOPTICA announces a new release of their DigiLock 110, the world’s first feedback controlyzer
TOPTICA’s DigiLock 110 is more than just the best digital solution for laser stabilization. It can also be used to computer control and analyze the laser digitally. The latest software version enables one computer to control up to four DigiLocks and a comprehensive interface is available for remote TCP/IP access to all functions.
The DigiLock 110 is a module for TOPTICA’s SYS DC diode laser driving system. DigiLock’s basic capabilities include:
- Multi channel oscilloscope functionality
- Control over laser frequency and frequency scan
- Two integrated PIDs (e.g. for feedback to Piezo and laser current)
- A Lock-In regulator, and Pound-Drever-Hall stabilization
- Click & Lock
- Lock-detection
- Auto-Lock and Relock
- Simulation of controller parameters and network analysis
These are only a few examples of the more advanced features.
The FPGA (field programmable gate array) based hardware makes the DigiLock flexible, and at the same time, very fast,enabling its deployment in a wide range of applications. The unit features numerous inputs and outputs, up to 100 MHz sampling rate or up to 21 bit precision to perfectly match the user’s needs. With a total delay time of less than 200ns, its digital locking bandwidth is several MHz and an FPGA controlled analog bypass allows for even higher bandwidths e.g. for laser linewidth reduction.
With these new features, the DigiLock can now easily be integrated into complex experiments. DigiLock enables not only lock monitoring and control, but also adjustment of many laser parameters like laser current, temperature and scan offset. Both laser locking and control have never been more comfortable and easy.
Go to www.toptica.com for more information on the DigiLock., For existing customers, the latest software version can be downloaded free of charge. For new and potential customers, the DigiLock software can be tested even without the DigiLock module.