Christian Eggeling

Senior Scientist, Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry

Christian Eggeling is a Senior Scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Göttingen, Germany).

FIGURE 1. Principle of STED. a) Schematic drawing of the setup of a STED nanoscope with phase plate, objective lens dichroic mirror (DC), fluorescence filter (F), detector, scanning device and excitation, and STED lasers with their focal intensity distribution (right) and a representative, sub-diffraction-sized observation area. b) STED nanoscopy is based on inhibiting fluorescence emission by de-exciting the excited S1 state to the S0 ground state via stimulated emission. The probability to switch off fluorophores is increased with increasing STED power. c) This power dependence delivers sub-diffraction-sized observation volumes: The volume in which fluorescence emission is still allowed (green, insets) decreases with increasing STED laser power.

BIOPHOTONICS: Super-resolution STED microscopy advances with yellow CW OPSL

Jan. 1, 2012
The low noise of a 577 nm CW optically pumped semiconductor laser enables researchers to image cellular structures and membrane dynamics with unprecedented resolution using blue...