Dr. Spencer L. Shorte
Fields of expertise: Cell biology, neuroendocrinology, infectious biology, Imaging, microscopy, image analysis, highcontent analysis, visual screening, fluorescence, bioluminescence, multi-dimensional imaging, imaging cytometry, intravital imaging and single-cell technologies.
Research Experience & Academic Positions
- 2005-current Director, & Executive Engineer to IMAGOPOLE (see www.imagopole.org).
- 2001-current Group leader: Plateforme d’Imagerie Dynamique (see www.pfid.org).
- 1999-2001, Assistant Professor at the Medical university of South Carolina, studying single cell mechanisms of calcium dependent modulation of exocytosis, and gene expression in anterior pituitary cells. In the laboratory of Pr. Stephen Frawley.
- 1997-1999 Research Fellowship (Fondation pour le Recherche Medicale): Development of imaging techniques to visualise dynamics of cytoskeleton protein polymerisation in living neurones. (INSERM U-261, Institute Pasteur, Paris). In the laboratory of Pr. Henri Korn (12 months).`
- 1996-1997 Research Fellowship EEC (Fifth Framework Programme, individual award, TMR Scheme): The Role of Cytoskeletal Actin in NMDA-receptor-mediated Signal Transduction. (Contract No. ERBFMBICT950210). (INSERM U-261, Institute Pasteur, Paris) 16 months. In the laboratory of Pr. Henri Korn.
- 1995-1996 Post-doctoral Research Fellow EEC 'Human Capital & Mobility' Scheme as part of an award to Dr. Y. Ben-Ari at INSERM U-29, Hôpital de Port Royal, 75014, Paris, France (Contract No. ERBCHBGCT930392) 8 months.
- 1988-1992 Research Assistant Technician Department of Biochemistry, University of Bristol. PhD studies, post funded by the Wellcome Trust (London) through grants awarded to Dr J.G. Schofield & Professor G.L. Collingridge. Studying mechanisms and dynamics of calcium signal regulation inside neuroendocrine cells.
Honors /Awards
- 2005 Lauréate « Prix des ingénieurs de l'année 2005 » (see www.pfid.org; mentionnée dans la presse nationale : Le Monde, Usine Novelle et des autres)
- 2004 Awarded Carl Zeiss Foundation prize recognising achievements in microscopy (dons 5,000€ destine a l’Institut Pasteur)
- 2001 Awarded honorarium prize for "exceptional research" presented at the 83rd meeting of the Endocrine Society (Denver, USA).
Selected Publications
- 2010
- Yong Y, A Trouvé, B, Chalmond, O Renaud, & S Shorte (2010). Confocal bi-protocol: a new strategy for isotropic 3D live cell imaging. J.Microscopy. in press. 2009
- Frischknecht F, Mota M, Way M, Shorte S. (2009). Perspective: Hidden treasures from the archives. Biotechnol J. Jun;4(6):784-5.
- Frischknecht F, Shorte S. (2009). Editorial: Imaging host-pathogen interactions. Biotechnol J. Jun;4(6):775.
- Frischknecht F, Gunzer M, Shorte SL. (2009). Retrospective: Birth of the cool : imaging and microbiology from Ibn al-Haytham to Jean Comandon. Biotechnol J. Jun;4(6):787-90.
- Le Saux B, Chalmond B, Yu B, Trouvé A, Renaud O, Shorte S. (2009) Isotropic high resolution 3D confocal micro-rotation imaging for non-adherent living cells. Journal of Microscopy. 233(3), 404-41
- Laksameethanasan D, Brandt S, Renaud O, Shorte S (2009). Dual Filtered Backprojection for Micro-Rotation confocal microscopy. Inverse Problems. 25(1) 015006 2008
- Rogers KL, Martin JR, Renaud O, Karplus E, Nicola MA, Nguyen M, Picaud S, Shorte SL, Brulet P. (2008). Electron-multiplying charge-coupled detector-based bioluminescence recording of single-cell Ca(2+). J Biomed Opt. May/June;13(3):031211. Hoppe AD, Shorte SL, Swanson JA, Heintzmann R. (2008). Three-dimensional FRET reconstruction microscopy for analysis of dynamic molecular interactions in live cells. Biophys J. Jul;95(1):400-18.
- Laksameethanasan D, Brandt SS, Engelhardt P, Renaud O, Shorte SL. (2008). A Bayesian reconstruction method for micro-rotation imaging in light microscopy. Microsc Res Tech. Feb;71(2):158-67.
- Renaud, O., Vina, J. Yong, Y. Machu, C., Trouvé, A., Van der Voort, H., Chalmond, B. and Shorte, S. (2008). High-resolution imaging of living cells in flow suspension using axial-tomography : 3D imaging flow cytometry, Biotechnology J. 3, 53-62 2007
- Thiberge, S., Blazquez, S., Baldacci, P., Renaud, O., Shorte, S., Menard, R. and Amino, R. (2007). In vivo imaging of malaria parasites in the murine liver. Nature Protocols 2, 1811-8.
- Amino, R., Thiberge, S., Blazquez, S., Baldacci, P., Renaud, O., Shorte, S. and Menard, R. (2007). Imaging malaria sporozoites in the dermis of the mammalian host. Nature Protocols 2, 1705-12.
- Ramsden, A.E., Mota, L.J., Münter, S., Shorte, S.L. & Holden, D.W. (2007). The SPI-2 type III secretion system controls motility of Salmonella-containing vacuoles. Cellular Microbiology. 9: 2517-29
- Morales, M.A., Renaud, O., Faigles, W., Shorte, S., Späth, G. (2007). Over-expression of Leishmania major MAP kinases reveals stage-specific inductin of phosphotransferase activity. The International Journal of Parasitology. 37(11):1187-99 (Epress 30 March).
- Renaud, O., Heintzmann, R., Sáez-Cirión, A., Schnelle, T., Mueller, T., Shorte, S. (2007). A system and methodology for high-content visual screening of individual intact living cells in suspension. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering vol. 6441 (ed. L. F. Daniel C. L. Robert and V. N. Dan), pp. 64410Q: SPIE 2006
- Arhel, N., A. Genovesio, K. A. Kim, S. Miko, E. Perret, J. C. Olivo-Marin, S. Shorte, and P. Charneau. (2006). Quantitative four-dimensional tracking of cytoplasmic and nuclear HIV-1 complexes. Nature Methods 3:817-24.
- Sáez-Cirión, A., Nicola, M-.A., Pancino, G., Shorte, S.L., (2006). Quantitative real-time analysis of HIV-1 gene expression dynamics in single living primary cells. Biotechnol.J. 1 :682-689 Couverture.
- Amino R, Thiberge S, Martin B, Celli S, Shorte S, Frischknecht F, Menard R. (2006) Quantitative imaging of Plasmodium transmission from mosquito to mammal. Nature Medicine, 12:220-224.
- Rogers K, Dragavon J, Blazquez S & Shorte S (2010). Method to increase the number of detectable photonsduring imaging of a biological marker European patent EP10290158.4 (DI 2010-05); 26 March 2010.
- Shorte, S.L., Müller, T., Schnell, T. DI 200243, Invention: .Method and device for 3 dimensional imaging of suspended micro-objects providing high-resolution microscopy. Patent Number; EP 1 413 911 B1 (Extension October 2005) (EP 02 292 658.8; PCT/EP2003/011818 filed 25 October 2002)