Jim Bovatsek

Jim Bovatsek is an Applications Engineering Manager at Spectra-Physics (MKS Instruments; Santa Clara, CA).

FIGURE 1. Transparent ultrashort pulses can do a lot, or nothing at all, depending on focus condition and pulse frequency.
Industrial Laser Solutions

Glass microwelding with ultrashort-pulse lasers

Aug. 18, 2021
High-power, high pulse-repetition-frequency picosecond technology is well suited for the task.
FIGURE 1. Absorption vs. wavelength for materials commonly encountered in precision machining applications.
Industrial Laser Solutions

High-power UV lasers for precision micromachining

July 22, 2020
UV lasers deliver machining quality and the required high throughput for finer features in complex materials.
Content Dam Ils Print Articles 2017 5 1705ils Pat 1
Industrial Laser Solutions

Nano to pico to femto: Pulse widths for optimal laser micromachining outcomes

May 11, 2017
While several laser parameters affect the machining results, the choice of pulse width is one of the important factors that affect the precision, throughput, quality, and economics...