Dr. Iwan W. Schie
Iwan W. Schie studied Medical Engineering at Beuth University of Applied Science, Berlin and received a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of California, Davis. During his Ph.D. his research focus was on instrument development and applications of multiphoton microscopy in combination with spontaneous Raman spectroscopy. After finishing his Ph.D. and a one-year postdoc at the Center for Biophotonics in Sacramento, developing various imaging approaches for Raman microscopy, he joined the group of Prof. Dr. Popp at the Leibniz-IPHT in Jena. In 2017 he founded the group for ‘Multimodal Instrumentation’ at the Leibniz-IPHT, which focuses on the combination of optical modalities, the development of high-throughput Raman spectroscopy systems for single cell analysis, and the development of scanning and non-scanning fiber optic probes for clinical applications and industry processing.