Researchers in the U.K. are now working toward potential treatments for mild traumatic brain injuries using red and near-infrared light. Their approach could also someday be used to treat other injuries, such as those in the spinal cord or central nervous system.
Inspired by quantum mechanical exciton resonances of a 2D quantum material, physicists in Amsterdam have created the world’s thinnest flat lens that’s just 0.6 nm thick. This could someday prompt a new class of metasurfaces, as well as VR and AR glasses.
The U.S. Space Development Agency has announced it will join forces with Princeton Infrared Technologies for the development of an uncooled MWIR and LWIR imaging system. In other business news, TAU Systems is partnering with ELI Extreme Light Infrastructure and the University of Texas at Austin to ultimately generate multi-Giga-electron-volt electron beams for applications including radiography.