Dresden/Alsdorf, Germany - 4JET Technologies GmbH introduced a new laser process for customization and optimizing of organic LEDs at LOPE-C 2013. The new technology is a joint development with Novaled AG (Dresden). The innovation allows defined customization or grey scaling of encapsulated standard OLEDs. It also optimizes lighting density and is suitable to isolate short circuits. LOPE-C is the large area, organic and printed electronics show that was held in Munich, Germany, the second week of June.
The new selective layer modification (SLAM) process thus enables creation of OLED signage solutions in lot size 1 and allows for individual logos or patterns. The use of ultra-short laser pulses leaves no visible traces in the processed area when the OLED is turned off.
The flexible laser processing of the delicate films requires no lithography processes. Hence, custom-tailored signage applications can be created after OLED manufacturing.
The partners 4JET and Novaled will commercialize the SLAM process together. 4JET offers both fully integrated production systems, as well as job shop processing of OLEDs. The joint innovation is patent pending.
4JET supplies laser systems for processing delicate technical surfaces. Novaled AG is involved in the research, development, and commercialization of technologies and materials that enhance the performance of OLEDs and other organic electronics. Commercially active since 2003, Novaled was founded in 2001 as a spin-off of the Technical University and the Fraunhofer Institute of Dresden.