Chicopee, Mass. – On March 22, 2011, Prima Industrie, the parent company of Laserdyne Systems, announced a major re-branding initiative that has led to the organization of the group into two divisions: Machinery (Prima Power) and Components (Prima Electro).
With the acquisition of Finn-Power Group three years ago and the subsequent integration of the two companies, PRIMA Industrie has become the third largest laser and sheet metal machinery manufacturer in the world. Today, it has direct presence in 20 countries and activities in more than 60 countries.
What will change? Terry VanderWert, president of Prima Power Laserdyne, says its logo will change and its name will change from Prima North America to Prima Power Laserdyne. The new logo will appear on business cards, stationery, purchase order templates, presentation templates and products, to name a few. E-mail addresses will also change to reflect the new company name. Soon, the sign on its property will also reflect the new logo and company name.
VanderWert says what will not change is the company's commitment to quality products and services. He says the company will continue to work to make the Laserdyne and Prima brands the standard for precision, multi-axis laser processing systems and, in doing so, grow the business throughout the world. For the company’s suppliers, this means greater opportunity. For customers, this means more products that can be used to help solve manufacturing needs.