Snoqualmie, WA - Zetec has introduced its Weld Crawler weld scanner, which can be operated manually or motorized and convert from a circumferential to an axial scanner. All versions of the scanner feature low clearance of 2.25 in. for use in inspection of thin-welded plate and pipes, and an optional frame enables inspection of welds up to 6 in. thick.
The scanner's four probes have individually adjustable suspension so that each probe is correctly matched to follow the specimen geometry. The probes are held off the specimen surface during transport and adjustment by a parking lock, which releases to allow scanning to begin, with the probes at the pre-set tension. An integral ruler allows easy probe positioning. The scanner is supported by four magnetic wheels, which can be quickly disengaged by means of an integral lift-off lever. Each wheel has its own braking system, so that any wheel can be locked in position regardless of scanner orientation. An additional four wheels can be added to double the magnetic adhesion, if required.
The basic circumferential scanner is easily converted, without tools, into an axial weld scanner, while an optional probe frame, carrying six or eight probes, allows inspections of greater wall thicknesses up to 6 in. The scanner can also be easily motorized by means of two powerful micro-motors controlled by the company's ZMC4 autonomous controller. Both manual and motorized versions can be fitted with twin, on-board cameras and a laser pointer, providing a real-time display of probes and weld (also when hidden from operator view), as well as simultaneously recording images for post-processing and for data traceability. An optional irrigation pump provides self-contained coupling supply.
The scanner can operate with various phased-array and time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) probe combinations, and a splitter box further increases these combinations while allowing the use of conventional probe channels. The scanner is compatible with the company's Topaz flaw detector and associated UltraVision software. Once connected, the scanner is immediately recognized by Topaz and all the encoder-related parameters are automatically uploaded to the instrument to establish the accuracy of length and position of any indication, to prevent the danger of operator transcription errors or omission. Topaz will authenticate that the phased-array probes used for data collection are the same as those used for calibration by checking the serial numbers. Software overlays show custom guide lines and live streaming from cameras, if fitted, is shown on the Topaz display and recorded for post-processing. The motor controller is also operated from the Topaz touchscreen.
Optional dedicated software is available to enhance scanning preparation, to support the optional add-on features, to refine analysis, and to track probe usage to confirm the validity of the scan. Preparation software accepts geometric data of the specimen to be inspected and produces relevant views of the heat-affected zone. Optional analysis software is available to meet varied and specific user requirements.