Novi, MI – The EOS M 290 direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) system, equipped with a 400W laser, enables tool-free additive manufacturing of high-quality serial components, spare parts, and prototypes. With the aid of the company's EOSTATE PowderBed, a camera built into the process chamber monitors the powder bed, following powder deposition and exposure, by means of still images. EOSTATE Base ensures monitoring of a range of parameters, including the position of the z axis or scanner, laser power, air humidity, temperature, and pressure. EOSTATE LaserMonitoring measures the laser power throughout the entire build period. The system operates under an inert (nitrogen) atmosphere or under argon, which permits processing of several materials, including light alloys, stainless and tool-grade steels, and superalloys. EOS parameter sets ensure that parts can be manufactured with standardized property profiles, resulting in a broad spectrum of applications. The system also comes with the EOS ParameterEditor, allowing modification of a range of exposure parameters and development of parameters for specific applications on the basis of the EOS parameter sets (laser power and exposure speed or strategy).
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