Orlando, FL - Additive Manufacturing (AM) is one of the hottest topics in global manufacturing today. Driven in no small part by 3-D printing, which has attracted international media attention, laser additive manufacturing is changing the way manufacturing of the future is expected to revolutionize the technology.
Thirty years ago, rapid prototyping with techniques like laser selective sintering was thought to be a novelty relegated to working with polymer materials. Market acceptance stalled as a number of service shops were able to handle most of the manufacturing industry’s needs. With the advent of laser metal sintering, interest perked up, and the beginnings of thinking about LAM as a possible manufacturing solution to satisfy "quantity of one" supply became a subject attracting industry attention.
But it took 3D printing, just a few years ago, to shake up advanced engineering in progressive manufacturing companies. Quickly this technology morphed into AM and LAM as potential users realized that 3D printing was fine for hobbyists, but working with metal powders was the way for them.
The Laser Institute of America was one of the first technical societies to recognize the importance of AM and laser additive manufacturing as a manufacturing tool. The institute organized and produced the Laser Additive Manufacturing Workshop as a means to educate potential users to these powerful laser tools, and six years ago presented the first of what became a the immensely popular workshop.
On March 12 to 13, the LIA will present the 6th Laser Additive Manufacturing Workshop (LAM) that will bring together industry specialists, executives, users, and researchers from around the world to show how laser additive processes can be applied effectively and affordably to today's manufacturing challenges. This workshop will have a significant impact on the widespread industrial implementations of laser additive manufacturing.
Industrial Laser Solutions is a strong supporter of LAM Workshop as a vehicle to spread the word on laser additive manufacturing. Don't hesitate to sign up today for this important meeting in Houston, Texas.