Farmington, CT -- Approximately 50 visitors from more than twenty companies gathered at Trumpf's North American headquarters on June 21 for the company's 2012 Laser Cutting Seminar. The day consisted of presentations on benefits and characteristics of laser cutting, the endless applications the technology affords, and discussions on how this universal tool can increase a company's capabilities and bottom line.
Trumpf laser experts provided insight on topics such as wavelength dependency, tube cutting, and 3D laser cutting. Visitors then toured the Customer and Technology Center demo floor where they were able to watch a variety of laser cutting applications.
Of particular interest were the discussions on identifying the correct laser wavelength to use in different manufacturing situations as well as how to use assist gas (type and usable pressures) to avoid post laser processing. Examples were shown of extremely clean cuts in metals up to 1/2-in. thick. In addition to metal processing, it was shown that lasers can be used to cut and drill a variety of other materials. Other laser wavelengths, particularly UV, were also discussed.
One highlight was a new display that directly compares the functionality of Trumpf's TruLaser 1030 with an integrated CO2 laser against the TruLaser 1030 fiber with a solid-state laser. With a simulated race car design, a range of materials and geometries are laser cut to clearly show which technology is best suited for each specific application. The day concluded with a complete tour of the Trumpf Farmington facility. -- With input from ILS editorial advisor Ronald Schaeffer, Photomachining Inc.