LPKF, Tualatin, OR, has updated its MicroLine 6000 P UV laser system for processing printed circuit boards (PCB). New capabilities include automatic beam correction to detect and equalize deviations caused by environmental interference, and an advanced vision system to help improve yields.
The MicroLine 6000 P eliminates mechanical stress to boards and components, as well as debris and extra tooling costs, enabling faster PCB designs. The system delivers operative parameters, machine data, tracking and tracing values, and information about individual production runs. Working area is 533 x 610 x 50 mm (21 x 24 x 2 in.), and ± 20 μm positioning accuracy, using a 20 μm (0.8 mil) diameter focused laser beam (355 nm wavelength).
A company rep summarized the new capabilities for ILS:
- A self-adjusting laser system becomes active under both thermal influences and component replacement. the laser beam always hits its target without requiring manual setting.
- An advanced vision system monitors the relative position of the laser to the board, detecting the contours of entire panels as well as individual components, helping to increase the number of accepts (even if from deformed originals).
- Integration interfaces for into existing manufacturing execution systems (MES) deliver tracing and tracking information about individual production runs.