Kay Automotive Graphics (Lake Orion, MI), which creates and supplies automotive trim, has purchased a Penta LTF laser dieboard cutter by Cutlite Penta (Florence, Italy) from AdamsTech (Boulder CO) to augment their existing diemaking operations.
For more than 40 years, Kay has been providing decals, badges, and other graphic products for the automotive industry, so they have a unique need for steel rule diemaking. In the past, the company contracted with a local supplier to cut/burn their dieboards, so the LTF laser is its first laser purchase after deciding to bring the process in-house. It plans to use the laser primarily for steel rule dies to cut automotive graphics and decals, as well as to cut metal. It is currently working on the oxygen assist to optimize the metal cutting process.
Steel-rule dies are typically used for cutting soft materals, such as those used by the company. The cutting surface of the die is the edge of hardened steel strips, known as steel rule, located in laser-cut grooves in plywood.
For more information, please visit www.kayautomotive.com, www.cutlitepenta.com, and www.adamstech.com.