BBW Lasertechnik, Civan Lasers enter laser welding partnership
BBW Lasertechnik (Prutting, Germany) and laser manufacturer Civan Lasers (Jerusalem, Israel) will work together in the future to further develop laser beam welding using a disruptive new technology from Civan Lasers. Paired with BBW Lasertechnik’s expertise, this approach opens up new possibilities for laser beam welding, especially for welding aluminum and copper.
While the use of beam oscillation with scanners and 2-in-1 fibers has led to improvements in processes in recent years, Civan’s technology unlocks new potential in laser beam welding. Previously, the shape and stability of the vapor capillary determined the geometry and quality of the weld seam. Civan’s patented coherent beam combination now enables the laser beam to modulate in megahertz range, and therefore be shaped as desired. This allows for freedom of design in the evaporation in the capillary, the flow in the weld pool, and the solidification of the melt. The laser is transformed from a tool like a pipe wrench into something more like a pair of tweezers.
Convinced by the many promising possibilities, BBW Lasertechnik has decided to invest in Civan’s new 8 kW OPA 6 laser, reportedly becoming the first company to put the new system into operation. With support from Civan developers, the welding system will be set up at BBW Lasertechnik by the end of 2021. The laser should be particularly useful for challenges in e-mobility, such as welding aluminum, copper and mixed battery materials, says Andreas Bürger, managing director of BBW Lasertechnik.
Once the laser system is operational, BBW Lasertechnik can offer interested companies an application laboratory for demonstrations of Civan technology, giving laser operators the chance to test and validate welding processes in an industrial setting. The development environment at BBW Lasertechnik offers the opportunity to use in-house fixture construction services and a metallographic laboratory.
Source: BBW Lasertechnik press release
Industrial Laser Solutions Editors
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