The U-20 20 W, Q-switched laser marking system marks areas from 4 to 12 in., and can be used on all metals, most plastics, composites, ceramics, and other substrates. A built-in, diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser source provides peak power from 120 to 200 kW, and pulse duration <10 ns. Extended focal plane depth enables the laser mark around curves or on curved surfaces without distortion or degradation.RMI Laser
RMI Laser Offers New 20-Watt DPSS Laser Marking System
Lafayette, CO – June 9, 2010 – RMI Laser, experts in DPSS laser platforms, laser marking systems, laser system design and integration, introduces the U-20, a revolutionary 20-watt, Q-switched Laser Marking System for high volume throughput. It is ideal for large batches when the marking areas range from 4 in. to 12 in. The U-20 can be used on all metals, most plastics, composites, ceramics, and a wide variety of other material substrates. The U-20 features a built-in, diode-pumped ND: YVO4 laser source, which provides nearly twice the peak power of RMI’s previous marking system (from 120kW to 200kW), while maintaining superior beam quality.
The innovative system performs fast engraving from .001 inch to .004 inches and vector marking at very high speeds, making it ideal for marking-on-the-fly (MOTF). Due to the very short pulse duration (<10 nanoseconds), the heat level is at a minimum during operation, making the U-20 well-suited for heat-sensitive materials or processes.
The extended focal plane depth enables the laser mark around curves or on curved surfaces without distortion or degradation; it also provides higher/darker contrast in much less time. RMI’s U-20 is the ideal system for cutting thin metals and for surface laser markings on extremely durable metals like titanium or tool steel, and/or on austenitic super alloys such as Inconel®.
Included in the standard system are the marker head, controller, laptop computer, focusing diode, 163mm F-Theta lens, Z-axis lab jack, mounting stand, laser safety goggles, and RMI Laser’s proprietary SymbolWriter-Pro™ software. For more information, please visit
Posted by Lee Mather
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