Nov. 1, 2006
The Sapphire laser delivers 50 mW continuous-wave output power at 488 nm.

Sapphire laser

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The Sapphire laser delivers 50 mW continuous-wave output power at 488 nm. The laser allows OEM system builders to choose power levels from 10 to 50 mW. It is intended for biomedical instrumentation, including flow cytometry, drug discovery, genetic screening, and confocal microscopy.
Santa Clara, CA

[email protected]


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The GS-1290-X Series spectroradiometer family combines sensitive backside-thinned CCD detector technology with a RadOMA optoelectronic platform. The self-calibrating instrument features millisecond measurement speed and blue-light-region sensitivity. Applications include measurement of retroreflective material and LED color, as well as display and light-source measurement.
Gamma Scientific,
San Diego, CA

[email protected]

Mini-TEC module

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The OEM Mini-TEC (thermoelectric cooler) module, which consists of a smart laser head and a temperature-control casing, is available in wavelengths ranging from 375 and 405 nm up to 1064 nm and DPSS 532 nm. The module is designed to fit into optical measurement, bioanalysis, and inspection systems, and for scientific applications.
IMM Messtechnologie,
Unterschleissheim, Germany

[email protected]

Zinc sulfide optics

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Multispectral, zinc sulfide (ZnS) optics are designed for broad-wavelength applications from 0.4 to 12 µm, including IR imaging and military FLIR systems. The AR-coated optics are offered in diameters from 1/4 to 4 in., from 1 to 8 mm thick, with surface accuracies to 1/4 wave, and 40-20 scratch-dig, per MIL-PRF-13830.
Laser Research Optics,
Providence, RI

Machine-vision camera

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The CS6910G with the Super CCD Honeycomb color sensor is a machine-vision camera compatible with standard Gigabit Ethernet hardware, ports, and cables, requiring no specialized interface cards or frame grabbers. It can stream noncompressed RGB 24-bit color video at up to 30 frames/s at 1280 × 960 SXGA resolution of CAT5e cabling to a host PC up to 300 ft away.
Toshiba Teli America, Irvine, CA
[email protected]

Horizontal-cavity laser

The SPECDILAS-H-1300-GMP from HHI is a horizontal-cavity surface-emitting laser, combining DFB and VCSEL technology. It has typical output power of 20 mW CW at 30 dB side-mode suppression. It comes in a SOT 4.6 housing, and customized versions are available with wavelengths from 1270 to 1700 nm.
Laser Components, Hudson, NH
[email protected]

AR ball lenses

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IsoSphere antireflection (AR) coated ball lenses have transmission values better than 99.5% in indexes up to nd2.0 at 550 nm. Sizes from 200 µm to 10.0 mm diameter are available. The scratch-resistant lenses utilize a proprietary IsoDyn low-pressure chemical-vapor-deposition technology for a uniform optical AR coating over the entire lens.
Deposition Sciences,
Santa Rosa, CA

[email protected]


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The M-714 Z-stage and C-702 Hybrid Controller provide 2 nm linear encoder resolution, active compensation of stick and slip during start-up and settling, active backlash compensation, 7 mm vertical travel range, and 10 kg vertical-load capacity. The controller can handle encoder count rates of 100 million pulses/s. A 100 mm hybrid translation stage is also available.
PI (Physik Instrumente), Auburn, MA
[email protected]

Excimer-laser resonator optics

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A series of off-the-shelf, intracavity resonator optics for excimer lasers has been introduced. Rear high reflectors and uncoated output couplers are designed for use with ArF (193 nm), KrF (248 nm), and XeCl (308 nm) excimer lasers. Both are offered in 38.1-mm-diameter MgF2 substrates and have λ/10 flatness and λ/8 wavefront distortion on transmission (at 633 nm) and a surface quality of 10-5.
Alpine Research Optics,
Boulder, CO

[email protected]

Optics catalog

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A 92-page color catalog from Anchor Optics includes commercial-grade optics, featuring standard designs for production, prototyping applications, volume, and OEM use. New commercial product lines include PCX lenses, RA prisms, mirrors (first surface aluminized and gold), and windows.
Anchor Optical Surplus,
Barrington, NJ

High-NA fibers

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Optran Ultra silica fiber has NAs of 0.37, 0.44, and 0.53. Applications range from industrial spectroscopy to laser welding, from medical sensing to delivering photodynamic therapy. Along with the company’s Optran Plus Fiber, they provide spectral transmission from 350 to 2200 nm. The fibers are manufactured using a proprietary PCVD process.
East Longmeadow, MA

[email protected]

DWDM SFP transceiver

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A DWDM SFP transceiver is set to demonstrate transmission at 2.5 Gbit/s and 4.25 Gbit/s, supporting SONET/SDH, Ethernet, and Fiber Channel with one product. Designed to perform in amplified low-OSNR links, it will have an uncompensated link length of up to 180 km for STM-16/OC-48/OTN-1 and provide 80 km reach at 4 G fiber-channel rates.
Bookham, San Jose, CA
[email protected]

High-speed camera line

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The CIS-VCC-F32 Series camera line of Camera Link, color, high-speed megapixel cameras have selectable RGB or RAW data output and partial scan modes. One model offers 2-megapixel resolution at 30 frames per second (fps). The standard SXGA model offers 38 fps, while a low-sensitivity model has a minimum illumination of 0.5 lux at 34 fps.
Daitron, Wilsonville, OR
[email protected]

Motorized positioning system

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The NanoRobot-6AX system combines an xyz, 100 mm travel range, nanopositioning platform with the RoboMate advanced robotic system. The six-axes, desktop, angular-linear motorized positioning system can address a target from any direction or angle. Utilizing Virtual Point technology, the system provides 1 nm linear resolution and 2 arcsec angular step.
Discovery Technology International, Sarasota, FL
[email protected]

Optics catalog

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The expanded Edmund Optics fall catalog features more than 700 new items, including products for UV and biophotonics applications. The catalog contains more than 8000 products, including MVO linescan lenses, Reflx reflective microscope objectives, and TechSpec harsh-environment optics. A staff of application engineers provides technical support.
Edmund Optics, Barrington, NJ
[email protected]

Optical-fiber arrays

A new line of V-groove and optical-fiber arrays is available with up to 96 fibers. Utilizing a proprietary etched-silicon V-groove technology, they come standard with 250 and 127 µm spacing, a 100% inspected core, terminations for FC, ST, SC, LC, and others. The arrays are suitable for single-mode or multimode fiber.
Fiberguide, Stirling, NJ
[email protected]

Video stabilizer

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The IVS-100 video stabilizer, with +12 V DC operation, is suited for mobile video applications within cars, planes, and boats, as well as for monitoring systems. The unit electronically corrects video shaking that occurs in camera applications, including unsteadiness on prerecorded VCR tapes and real-time correction on live video.
For-A, Cypress, CA

Components for optical coherence tomography

Key components for optical-coherence-tomography applications are available. Components include polarization controllers, SLED sources, variable optical-delay lines, polarization stabilizers, Faraday mirrors, circulators, and PM and SM couplers.
General Photonics, Chino, CA
[email protected]

Dust-removal technology

Patented dust-removal technology completely and automatically removes dust from digital images. Using in-camera software, it dynamically builds a map of every dust spec and then tracks changes and movement of dust particles to distinguish dust from the details in the photo.
FotoNation, Galway, Ireland
[email protected]


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The C10083MD minispectrometer is based on a CMOS linear image sensor with a spectral response range of 320 to 1000 nm. It includes a quartz transmission grating that reduces stray light and has an SMA optical-fiber connector for light input via optical fiber. It uses a single USB cable to draw its power supply from a connected computer and to transfer data.
Hamamatsu, Bridgewater, NJ


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The DYMAX Accu-cal 50 Radiometer is designed for monitoring UV-curing processes, including UV spot systems, floods, or conveyers. Its design protects the photo sensor from the extreme temperatures of high-intensity spot lamps. The device measures peak intensity, dose, and UV intensity in the UVA spectrum (320-395 nm) from 1 mW/cm2 to 40 W/cm2.
Intertronics, Oxfordshire, England
[email protected]

Spectroscopy device

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The MOSIR 350/150 is a spectroscopy and imaging device with “smart camera” architecture. It has a spectral response between 200 and 1100 nm, 16-bit dynamic range, USB 2.0 data port, and its focal-plane array has a 4:1 aspect ratio. The device performs frame averaging, bad-pixel correction, cosmic-ray detection, and digital binning.
Intevac, Santa Clara, CA
[email protected]

Ethernet CCD camera

The TM-1327GE is a compact progressive-scan CCD camera, with a 2/3 in. image sensor, able to capture 30 frames per second at full 1.4-megapixel resolution (1392 × 1040). Features include a Gigabit Ethernet interface, an interline-transfer CCD, asynchronous reset, and a no-delay, pulse-width-controlled shutter for flexible triggering and exposure control in machine-vision applications.
Jai PulNiX, San Jose, CA
[email protected]


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The new V-600 Series of UV/VIS/NIR spectrometers consists of five models, including the V-630Bio designed specifically for life-science applications. New features include an IQ Accessory function for automatic accessory recognition and the new IQ Start function for immediate start when conducting routine applications. Spectra Manager II software is included.
Jasco, Easton, MD
[email protected]

RGB LED ringlight

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A high-intensity RGB LED ringlight provides intense, shadow-free, homogeneous illumination in red (592 nm), green (520-535 nm) and blue (464-475 nm). The color LEDs can be switched on and off independently. The system allows singular intensity control of all three wavelengths, which can be merged for mixed variations, and used to excite biological and material-science specimens in fluorescence.
Klughammer Industrie, Indersdorf, Germany
[email protected]

Laser-safety screens

Mobile, transparent CO2 laser-safety screens allow flexible screening protection of surrounding areas from laser radiation. The screens measure 1 m wide by 2 m high and meet DIN EN 207 standard as movable walls. They allow the user to monitor work processes and can be used to permanently separate work areas.
Laservision, Fürth, Germany
[email protected]

Optical-design software

A new fluorescence-modeling capability simulates fluorescence in TracePro Expert optical-design software. In addition to analyzing light distribution and scatter, the user can now import fluorophore data in solution or biological tissue and analyze fluorescence effects at any point in the optomechanical system. A library of fluorophores, light sources, and optical components is included.
Lambda Research, Littleton, MA
[email protected]

Software for optical-fiber design

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New features of OptiFiber 2.0 optical-fiber design software from OptiWave include meshless mode solvers for LP and vector modes, as well as propagation over distance. The software allows the user to design and analyze optical fibers for optical communication systems and networks. It is compatible with OptiSystem software.
Light Tec, Hyeres, France
[email protected]

Raman workstation

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The Raman workstation is an open-architecture, single-stage Raman instrument, available for laser lines from 325 to 830 nm. A prism predisperser is used as a sharp cutoff filter for UV wavelengths. The system includes a solid-state laser, specialty filters, sample chamber, spectrometer, and CCD. Cryogenic sample holders for photoluminescence work are also available.
McPherson, Chelmsford, MA
[email protected]

Optical lapping pitch

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Gugolz optical lapping pitch is available in five grades, from very soft to very hard, with melting points from 52ºC to 87ºC. Ready to use without screening and mixing, this all-natural pitch is suited for blocking, lapping, and polishing applications. The pitch is made from wood resin and will not contaminate polishing media or the substrate.
Meller Optics, Providence, RI
[email protected]

Microinspection system

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The MS804 Scopeman microinspection system checks dimensions including linear and angle measurements, area measurements and counting. Integrating advanced optics, fiber optics, and proprietary honeycomb CCD camera technology, the system also has multiexposure, high-intensity LED lighting, and software included. It provides 1280 × 960-pixel-resolution images.
Moritex Europe, Cambridge, England
[email protected]

Lidar data-processing software

ZinView software can process data and check for gaps and other errors without taking the data into REALM for full processing. Version 3.2 now offers a new min./max. range and scan-angle cutoff filters, DXF file import, camera footprint calculation in 3‑D mode, and open-source IXF format for ground-based 3-D lidar scanners and real-time best estimate trajectory
Optech, Vaughan, ON

Polarization-maintaining fiber

The Yb1200-20/125DC-PM is a polarization-maintaining, ytterbium-doped fiber that combines a highly doped 20 µm core and a large core-to-cladding ratio. This combination results in a nominal cladding pump absorption of 7.1 dB/m at 920, rising to 30 dB/m for absorption near the peak at about 976 nm, enabling short active fiber lengths. A standard 125 µm cladding diameter is used.
Liekki, Lohja, Finland
[email protected]

Scanned-probe-microscopy systems

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The MV4000 multiprobe scanned-probe-microscopy (SPM) systems allow independent scanning of up to four probes in various SPM imaging modalities. Patented thin 3‑D FlatScanners are used together with the probes, which have exposed probe tips, for contact within 10 nm. Probes are as small as 5 nm. A z range of 130 µm is provided with 160 µm in x and y scanning.
Nanonics Imaging,
Jerusalem, Israel

[email protected]

Piezoelectric motors

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SQL Series piezoelectric SQUIGGLE motors are miniature linear motors used in mobile-phone cameras, medical devices, optical instruments, and other OEM products, as well as in research applications. The patented device converts ultrasonic vibrations into precise linear motion. The series includes 1.5, 2.4, and 3.4 mm motors.
New Scale, Victor, NY
[email protected]

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