New Products

April 1, 2006
The SU055-GM-APD-FO is a near-IR avalanche photodiode based on InGaAs/InP. It is designed for ­single-photon counting at wavelengths of 0.

Avalanche photodiode

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The SU055-GM-APD-FO is a near-IR avalanche photodiode based on InGaAs/InP. It is designed for ­single-photon counting at wavelengths of 0.9 to 1.6 µm, and is also capable of high-gain ­linear-mode single-photon counting with quantum efficiency better than 70%. It has analog optical detection up to approximately 1 GHz and comes in a package containing the chip, a thermoelectric cooler, a thermistor, and optical-fiber coupling optics.

Sensors Unlimited, Goodrich,
Princeton, NJ

Scan head

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The XLR8-15 two-axis, 15-mm, packaged scan head achieves typical marking speeds of 400 characters/s. It uses galvanometers with ceramic rotor technology and hybrid ceramic ball bearings for longer operating life. They can be configured for a variety of laser wavelengths and are available with digital and analog electrical interface options. They are available with the company’s laser/scanner software and USB scan card.

Nutfield Technology,
Windham, NH


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The Model S471 portable handheld optometer can be configured as a radiometer, photometer, or ­fiberoptics testers. It can measure in the 10-pA range with less than 1% incertainty. It has microprocessor control for update rates up to 53 times per second and offers three data presentation options: direct display measurement with analog bar, RS-232 computer interface, or programmable analog voltage output. It is compatible with the company’s sensor heads.
UDT Instruments, San Jose, CA

Solid-state UV laser

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The Explorer is a low-power, actively Q‑switched, UV laser system at 349 nm. ­Designed as a DPSS OEM laser, the unit is suited for bioinstrumentation applications that have previously relied on pulsed nitrogen gas lasers. The laser can be operated from single-shot up to 5‑kHz pulse repetition and uses a proprietary ­intracavity conversion technology.

A Division of Newport, Mountain View, CA

Integrated CWDM multiplexer

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A fully integrated, single-mode compatible, coarse WDM (CWDM) multiplexer is based on patented nanophotonic filtering technology. The units are passively athermal and polarization insensitive to 0.2 dB. Based on the silica-on-silicon ­planar-waveguide format, they require chips measuring 1 cm2, and harness the deep-UV photolithographic patterning tools used in state-of-the-art electronics.
LightSmyth Technologies,
Eugene, OR

Photon-detection units

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Modular C9692 photon-detection units are designed to take low-level-light measurements. The main unit includes a photon-counting photomultiplier, photon-counting electronics, power supply, and USB interface. The photon-counting detector has an active area of 16 × 18 mm2 with a spectral response from 185 to 650 nm. Photon integration time is adjustable with a built-in shutter.
Hamamatsu, Bridgewater, NJ

Large sensor arrays

Large fiber-Bragg-grating (FBG) sensor arrays include up to 100 FBGs in each array, with the total length of the fiber stretching up to 20 km. Using a front-end switch matrix, 16 of these arrays can be connected together to form a Star Network containing a total of 1600 sensors. The arrays utilize time-division-multiplex (TDM) and power-splice technology.
QPS Photonics, Quebec, Canada

DPSS laser

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The MonoDisk-515-Gemini DPSS laser emits two spatially separated beams with a mode profile of M2 less than 1.1. Each beam has an optical power of up to 20-W CW at 515 nm. This wavelength is suited for pumping Ti:sapphire lasers, amplifiers, and dye lasers, and for applications requiring high CW output in the green spectral range.
ELS Electronic Laser System,
Fort Worth, TX

Pulsed fiber laser

The LU1060F015 is a short-pulse ytterbium fiber laser in MOPA configuration. The system provides an average output power of 150 mW with a pulse energy of 30 µJ at 5-kHz repetition and 100-ns pulse width. The laser emits at 1064 nm from a single-mode fiber. The fiber is specified at a standard length of 0.7 m terminated with FC/APC connector.
Lumics, Berlin, Germany

Nanopositioning stages

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The P-542 x-y nanopositioning stage was specifically designed for biotechnology and nanotechnology applications. Its frictionless flexure-guided design provides a travel range of 200 × 200 µm. Piezo drives allow multi-axis motion with millisecond-range response times. Features include an 80 × 80-mm aperture, subnanometer resolution, and motion linearity with less than 0.03% errors.
PI (Physik Instrumente), Auburn, MA

Oil objective

The Olympus U Apochromat 150X TIRF objective is a new 150×, 1.45 NA oil objective, designed for total-internal-reflectance fluorescence (TIRF) research microscopy from the UV to the IR. It uses a standard coverglass and standard immersion oil. The objective has a working distance of 0.10, a field number of 22, and uses a correction collar to compensate for coverglass thickness and temperature.
Olympus, Melville, NY

Photon-counting platform

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The PCMPlusX features USB 2.0 compatibility, 2.5‑ns time binning with an on-board microprocessor and memory, data correlation, and photon-counting algorithms. The platform has up to four sensing channels, with a maximum of 16 channels available upon request.
SensL, Cork, Ireland

Specular reflectance accessory

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The new VN Absolute Specular Reflectance accessory is designed for use with the Evolution 300/600 UV-V is spectrophotometer series. The accessory has research and QC applications for anti-reflective coatings, multilayer coatings, multilayer dielectric coatings, thin films, and laser mirrors.
Thermo Electron,
Madison, WI

Progressive-scan cameras

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The CS8560D (1/3 in.-CCD) and the CS8570D (1/2 in.-CCD) progressive scan, monochrome video cameras provide 60 frames/s, 640 × 480 VGA resolution, asynchronous restart/reset, and partial scan read out. Both cameras measure 29 × 29 × 26.5 mm. They are designed for factory automation applications.
Toshiba Teli, Irvine, CA

Diode lasers

A new series of fiber-coupled diode-laser pumps include the AM6-915A-10-708, a 7-W, 915-nm uncooled device for industrial applications; the AM6-940A-20-408, a 4-W, 940-nm uncooled device for telecommunication optical amplifiers; and the AM4-976A-10-253, a 2.5-W, 976-nm thermoelectrically cooled device for high-power telecom applications. All are hermetically sealed in an epoxy-free, all-metal package.
Alfalight, Madison, WI

Infrared detectors

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The UL 04 17 1 is an uncooled ­microbolometer detector. The infrared detector is designed for thermal imagery with high spatial resolution, including thermography, FLIRs, and microscopes as well as for medical and military applications. The 640 × 480-pixel focal-plane array has a pitch of 25 µm and has a spectral response bandwidth from 8 to 14 µm.
ULIS, Veurey-Voroize, France

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The new MS-EIS microscope, with an integrated furnace hot stage, enables the direct observation of materials-science samples during heating and cooling experiments typically performed in semiconductor and metallurgical investigations. Requiring only 1.5 kW of electrical power, the ­microscope has an operating temperature range from RT to 1500°C.
Ulvac, Methuen, MA

CCD camera

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The CV-M9CL-3-CCD camera has a resolution of 3 × 800,000 pixels, progressive scan, chromatic shading reduction and a Camera Link interface. The three 1/3-in.-XGA-resolution (1024 × 768 pixels) CCD sensors (Sony ICX204AL) allow for a compact prism design. The camera is designed for machine-vision applications.
Jai PulNix, San Jose, CA

High-brightness LEDs

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The OVL Series high-brightness, visible LEDs are available in blue, green, red/orange, and red in 3, 4, and 5 mm through-hole elliptical packages with color-diffused lenses. They are rated for operation between -40°C and +85°C and are compatible with lead-free soldering processes. The LEDs are suited for full-sunlight outdoor signage and display applications.
Optek, Carrollton, TX

Ray-tracing software

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Version 3.3.4 of TracePro ray-­tracing software has 47 additions and improvements. It can handle transmitting and embedded thin sheets, which can be used as observation planes outside or within defined objects in models and can be used in tissue optics modeling for medical devices. Other improvements include faster algorithms and more complete stray-light analysis.
Lambda Research,
Littleton, MA

Pulsed fiber lasers

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The Picasso family of pulsed fiber ­lasers now includes a polarized
1.54‑µm eye-safe laser (model PF1550PM-30), and a 1-µm laser (model PF1060-40). The eye-safe ­laser produces 4- to 6-ns pulses at repetition rates from 50 to 200 kHz with 1-W average power and a diffraction-limited output. The 1-µm laser generates 3- to 5-ns pulses at rates between 100 kHz and 1 MHz, producing up to 10-W average power, with an output 1.4 times the diffraction limit. Both lasers are 3.5 × 11 × 13 in. in size and are well suited for applications in security, range-gated imaging, ladar, sensing, and micromachining.
Aculight, Bothell, WA

Digital camera

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The Iuca DL658M-C0-TIL electron-multiplying CCD camera amplifies even single photons above the noise floor. It uses a VGA-format, interline frame-transfer sensor in a TE-cooled, USB 2.0 platform. It operates at 30 full frames/s, and faster with binning and subarray. It comes with software optimized for use with leading acquisition and analysis software.
Andor Technology, Belfast,
Northern Ireland

Fiber-laser pump

A multimode pump-laser module delivers 7-W output power from a multi­mode fiber with 105-µm core diameter and a numerical aperture of 0.15 or 0.22. The device is uncooled and hermetically sealed, and incorporates a floating anode and cathode. The laser’s front mirror is passivated to prevent catastrophic optical mirror damage.
Bookham, San Jose, CA

Optical regenerator

The 40G-2R2-ORP all-optical reamplification and reshaping regenerator is designed for 40-Gbit/s optical-networking applications. It consists of an integrated combination of a planar silica Mach-Zehnder interferometer and a monolithic quad semiconductor optical amplifier. It can condition signals at network points such as add/drop nodes and mitigate polarization-mode dispersion.
Centre for Integrated Photonics, Ipswich, England

Specialty fibers

Specialty fibers include the SP 1060, a 1060-nm, dual-air-hole design that transmits a single polarization state; PCS, a multimode silica fiber with fluorinated polymer cladding; photonic bandgap fiber, a hollow-cored, microstructured fiber for 1060, 1300, or 1350 nm; RGB 400, single-mode fiber for visible wavelengths; and PANDA PM 410, a single-mode polarization-maintaining fiber for 400 nm and above.
Corning, Corning, NY

Digital video camera

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The Lightning RDT Plus camera is an integrated imaging system for motion analysis requirements. It consists of a small camera head, detachable cable, and custom frame grabber, and can capture up to 5000 full frames/s at 512 × 512-pixel resolution, or 100,000 frames/s at reduced resolutions.
DRS Data and Imaging Systems, Oakland, NJ

Programmable power supplies

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The DCS and DLM 600 lines of Ethernet-controlled programmable power supplies include 41 models ranging from 600 to 3000 W and from 1U half rack to 2U full rack. The devices are designed for automated test-and-measurement systems and are compliant with the LXI standard.
Elgar Electronics, San Diego, CA

Digital-imaging software

PTP-IP Suites is a collection of software tools, reference designs, and engineering services for manufacturers of digital imaging devices. It allows users to develop, test, and analyze wireless image transfer and wireless printing directly from digital cameras, over WiFi or Ethernet. It is compatible with USB-based image transfer.
FotoNation, Burlingame, CA


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The FTB-150 compact OTDR for ­fiber characterization supports any single-mode configuration at up to four essential wavelengths, including 850, 1300, 1310, 1940, 1550, and 1625 nm. The nonmodular, handheld instrument has a Windows CE/Mobile user interface and is designed for installers of local and wide-area networks, enterprise networks, and premises wiring.
Exfo Electro-Optical Engineering, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Superluminescent LEDs

The EXS85xx superluminescent LEDs operate at 850 nm and are aimed at optical coherence tomography and biomedical applications. The single-mode-fiber devices offer 1.2-W optical output with 50-nm, 3-dB spectral bandwidth; 2-W with 45-nm, 3-dB bandwidth; and 5-W with 35-nm, 3‑dB bandwidth. They are available TE-cooled or uncooled.
Exalos, Zurich, Switzerland

Polarization synthesizer

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PolaFlex polarization synthesizer and analyzer can generate and maintain any state of polarization regardless of the input state. It combines an in-line polarization controller, polarimeter, and control algorithm, and can display the generated state of polarization on a computer screen via USB interface. Users can scan through six states of polarization or select one.
General Photonics, Chino, CA

Frame grabber

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The Framelink PCMCIA frame grabber fits into PCMCIA slots found in most laptops, palmtops, PDAs, and other mobile devices. It uses the industry-standard Camera Link interface and comes with a full software suite, including drivers and applications. A software development kit is optional. On-board memory allows fast image acquisition.
Imperx, Boca Raton, FL

Industrial diodes

The Industrial Diode Laser System combines multiple, single-emitter diodes into a single-output fiber, providing up to 100 W of power for industrial applications. The telecom-grade single-emitter diodes can be pulsed on and off without affecting their lifetime, which exceeds 400,000 hours. The device is aimed at plastic welding.
JDSU, Milpitas, CA

Laser-simulation software

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Version 3.1 of Liekki Application Designer, software for fiber laser and amplifier simulation, includes new features such as multimode propagation, user-defined refractive-index profile, and fiber-bending effects. It can be used for simulations involving conventional fibers, as well as measuring radial doping profiles and unique refractive-index profiles in the company’s doped fibers.
Lohja, Finland

Yellow DPSS laser

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A new member of the 85 YCA Series of diode-pumped, solid-state lasers has output of 25 mW at 561 nm. The single-frequency output has less than 3% peak-to-peak noise and can be used for fluorescence-induced imaging with enough power to compensate for fiber-coupling losses. The lasers have a nearly circular aspect ratio (less than 1.1:1) and M2 better than 1.2.
Melles Griot Laser Group,
Carlsbad, CA

Optical elastomer

LSR-9618-30 is a two-part ­optically clear silicone elastomer for casting and molding high-performance optical components, as well as use as an adhesive or encapsulant. It has a refractive index of 1.57 and is hard (60-durameter, Type D). It cures on contact with most properly cleaned substrate materials, including optical glasses, plastics, and semiconductors.
NuSil Technology, Carpinteria, CA

Optical-filter catalog

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A new catalog, “Precision Optical Filters for OEM Instrumentation and Research,” includes optical interference filter theory, filter design, coatings, ­filter types, and system design considerations. It also contains sections on collaborative engineering ­services, subassembly contracting, and the company’s standard product lines.
Omega Optical, Brattleboro, VT

Lidar system

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The ALTM 3100EA 100-kHz airborne laser terrain mapper can achieve ­results, under optimal conditions, as accurate at ±3 cm, 2-sigma (500 m, 33 kHz, scan angle at ±10°). It can perform full waveform digitization, ­simultaneously first/last pulse measurement, roll compensation, and ­digital camera integration.
Optech, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Schlieren optics

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Custom-made schlieren optics, for recording inhomogeneities within a transparent medium, can be provided as concave spherical mirrors up to 800 mm in diameter in materials including Pyrex, Zerodur, and ULE. They have surface accuracy better than λ/10. Optical coatings including gold, Al/MgF2, and AISiO are available.
Optical Surfaces, Kenley,
Surrey, England

LED ring light

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The RL-9 LED ring light for inspection microscopes illuminates a 2-in. spot with 55,000 lux. It comes with a current-controlled power supply that plugs into standard outlets and a brightness control. The housing O.D. is 4 in. and the clear I.D. is 2 in. Set screws allow mounting on many inspection microscopes.
Orled, Tigard, OR

UV light system

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The RX Firefly UV light system is a small-format, high-intensity UV light source with a 20-mm-diameter target spot size and typical peak intensity of more than 1.5 W/cm2. It is designed for small-area and spot-cure applications with adhesives, inks, and electronic and biomedical materials.
Phoseon Technology, Hillsboro, OR


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The nanoSX ultraflat scanning stage measures 60 × 60 mm and is 10 mm high with a free center hole of 12.5 mm. It is based on a bidirectional actuating design and can move high-load masses with a resolution of 0.6 mm. It is ­designed for high-resolution metrology, x and xy scanning, and dynamic positiong. Cryogenic and vacuum versions are available.
Piezosystem Jena, Jena, Germany

Laser module

The IQµ microprocessor-controlled laser module can control ­operating parameters through an on-board, menu-driven local control of a Windows-compatible control and monitoring software via USB or RS-232 interface. It is available with wavelengths from 375 to 1600 nm at output powers from less than 1 mW to 1 W.
Power Technology, Little Rock, AR

Stabilized gimbal

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The Cobalt 350 is a multisensor stabilized gimbal for airborne surveillance, search and rescue, and law enforcement. It has an external diameter of 350 mm and is made from lightweight, high-stiffness composite materials. It comes standard with 3- to 5-µm thermal imagers and high-performance color zoom camera. A laser rangefinder, laser illuminator, and I2 camera are optional.
Polytech Airborne Imaging,
Malmkoping, Sweden

Glass coating

The Novolay glass coating forms layers from 0.1 to 30 µm thick with structures formed in accordance with the predefined microstructure of the photo­resist. Through the technology, homogeneous microscopic glass structures and compact hermetic glass layers can be designed on top of silicon, glass, ceramic, or organic substrates.
Schott North America, Elmsford, NY

Tunable lasers

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A tunable laser system offers typical output power of 100 mW with user remote control. They offer coarse tuning up to 30 nm at 780 or 830 nm and fine tuning with a resolution of 10 MHz in a mode-hop-free tuning range of up to 100 GHz or more. Linewidth is less than 300 kHz and side-mode suppression is more than 50 dB. Systems from 760 to 1080 nm are available.
Sacher Lasertechnik,
Buena Park, CA

Framing camera

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The Multi-Channel Framing Camera uses ultrahigh-resolution image intensifiers for high-speed framing applications. It has 4, 6, 8, or 16 discrete intensified optical channels and produces images that are free from lag or ghosting. A hybrid beamsplitter overcomes parallax and improves resolution; a supplementary optical port allows for additional imaging instrumentation. The camera produces 1280(H) × 1024(V) 12-bit images. The 8-channel version allows secondary optical instruments to share the same optical axis as the framing channels. The camera comes with a comprehensive software package.
Specialised Imaging, Herts, England


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The LabSpec 2500/2600 series post-dispersive spectrometers feature a spectral range from 350 to 2500 nm, Ethernet and optional wireless capability in a rugged package with nonslip, urethane endcaps and expanded temperature operating parameters. The spectrometers are compatible with Indico Pro and LabView software and have standard SMA 905 fiberoptic connectors.
Analytical Spectral Devices,
Boulder, CO

Fluorescence detection module

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The ConfoCor 3 detection module converts the company’s motorized micro­scopes into integrated imaging and spectroscopy platforms. The modules provide avalanche photodiodes for maximum sensitivity or GaAsp detectors for enhanced temporal resolution. Confocal optics reduce the sample volume element to 0.25 femtoliters, thereby reducing noise.
Carl Zeiss, Hertfordshire, England

Color prisms

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A line of three-channel color prisms can tolerate standard autoclave sterilization up to 134ºC. The glass prisms have dichroic coatings and are cemented with a new, proprietary adhesive developed to resist autoclave temperatures and rapid temperature cycling. The prisms are designed for use in endoscopes, bronchoscopes, remote surgical systems, and other imaging instruments requiring sterilization.
Alternative Vision, Tucson, AZ

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