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NIR optical system
The new NIR Zoom 70XL optical system provides a 7:1 zoom ratio in the 630- to 2000-nm wavelength range, as well as across the visible spectrum. This cross-spectrum imaging system provides 250,000 zoom cycles, parafocality throughout the zoom range, and is chromatically corrected for its intended spectral band. The system is designed for microelectronic and fiberoptic applications including emission microscopy, fiber alignment, and laser-diode inspection.
Thales Optem, Rochester, New York
CO2 laser mirrors
CO2 laser mirrors and phase retardation reflectors for low power lasers used in industrial marking, etching and soldering applications are available in 0.5- to 1.5-in. O.D. sizes. Laser mirrors for 25- to 200-W industrial lasers are made from silicon (99.5% to 99.7% average reflectance) or molybdenum (98% average reflectance). Enhanced silver, copper and dual band coatings are available on the silicon laser mirrors.
Laser Research Optics, Providence, RI
Single-element infrared detector
A low-cost single-element lithium tantalite infrared detector has been introduced for gas detecting and measuring applications. Designed for volume production, the device is constructed to isolate the element and offer stability without the need for compensation because of temperature fluctuation.
BAE Systems, Southampton,
United Kingdom
High-speed encoders
The Model H25 encoder operates at up to 30,000 rpm. The encoder utilizes preloaded, dual ABEC 7 bearing assemblies and comes in a sealed, rugged, industry-standard 2.5-in. diameter H25 industrial package. Applications include machine-tool applications and high-speed motor and turbine testing.
BEI Technologies, Goleta, CA
CCD spectrometer
The InSpectrum 150 is a 150-mm focal length CCD spectrometer that offers either single-beam or simultaneous multichannel optical-fiber input to provide electro-optic channel-to-channel uniformity. Features include a choice of 4-TE cooled CCDs, 16-bit 100-kHz digitization, automation, and diagnostic software and a USB interface. The instrument is optimized for Raman imaging and spectroscopic applications.
Acton Research, Acton, MA
Fluorine laser
The COMPex fluorine laser provides 157-nm output with 8-mJ stabilized pulse energy and 50-Hz repetition. The beam path and energy monitor allow efficient nitrogen purging. The laser has active tube temperature control, and comes with Bajonet fittings for easy optics exchange. It has one-side maintenance, thyratron access panel, and purge gas adapter.
Lambda Physik,
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Laser diode
The NX8560L-J-CC is an NEC multiple-quantum-well, distributed-feedback laser-diode module with an integrated electro-absorption modulator. It is designed for 10-Gbit/s transmission of up to 40 km over single-mode fiber in DWDM systems. Power output is 1 Bm/min in ITU wavelengths. It comes in a seven-pin butterfly package with GPO connector RF input.
California Eastern Laboratories, Santa Clara, CA
Sapphire laser
The Zaffiro titan sapphire laser has a "grating less" cavity design, low laser threshold and an efficiency of up to 25%. The laser has a linewidth of <0.2 cm-1 (with etalon) and repetition rates of up to 10 kHz. The compact laser is designed for mobile field and atmospheric research applications.
New Laser Generation,
Teltow, Germany
CCD-based spectrometer
New CCD-based spectrometers are available in three standard configurations: UV (200 to 400 nm), VIS (400 to 700 nm), and NIR (700 to 1050 nm) wavelengths. Each features fixed internal gratings for increased stability and plug directly into a computer's RS-232 port or USB port. Coupling one of three fixed-intensity lamp sources to an SMA fiber patch cord controls the amount and type of light.
Edmund Industrial Optics,
Barrington, NJ
Power supplies
New single-board power supplies are designed for use with photomultipliers. A typical board measures 30 × 40 mm and includes a photomultiplier socket. The boards are designed for low power consumption for OEM integration into bench-top and portable instruments.
Electron Tubes,
Middlesex, England
DFB fiber laser
ADJUSTIK C15 is a new version of the Koheras narrow linewidth tunable DFB fiber laser. The laser offers combined thermal and piezoelectric wavelength tuning or stabilization. Available in the 1.02- to 1.20-µm and 1.52- to 1.61-µm wavelength ranges with a linewidth down to 1-kHz, >200-pm slow tuning capability and 100-pm fast tuning range with up to 10-kHz bandwidth.
Birkeroed, Denmark
Filters for Raman spectroscopy
Notch and edge filters are available for the VIS to NIR spectrum in diameters from 0.5 to 1.5 in. These thin-layer interference filters specifically separate the weak Raman signal from its stronger excitation light. The filters are manufactured using the ion beam sputtering technique.
Rheinbreitbach, Germany
Flexible light guides
A range of flexible light guides for microscopy, machine vision, and applications that require targeted illumination operate throughout the range of -40°C to 180°C. Configurations include ring, straight, plate, slit, bifurcated, and multifurcated. They are available in a variety of fiber materials, including quartz, multicomponent glass, and plastic.
Moritex Europe,
Cambridge, England
Kilohertz laser
The Evolution DPO is a kilohertz, diode-pumped Nd:YLF laser for high-speed imaging and particle image velocimetry (PIV) applications. It features a double-pulse option that allows the user to switch from single to double pulses in the same laser. The laser is intended for use with a high-speed CCD camera to capture up to 12,000 images per second.
Positive Light, San Francisco, CA
Deep UV laser
The DS Series of deep UV (236/266 nm) diode-pumped, solid-state Q-switched lasers are available with a choice of either Nd:YLF, Nd:YAG, and Nd:YVO4 platforms. Standard models offer 1.5- and 3-W power, with customized units up to 6 W available. The series delivers TEM00 beam-mode quality with M2<1.2 and pulse-to-pulse instability <1% rms.
Photonics Industries International, Bohemia, NY
The new U-4100ST spectrophotometer is designed to analyze high-transmission samples such as glass and filters from the UV to the NIR, over a wavelength range of 165 to 2600 nm. The wavelength range of 190 to 165 nm is made accessible by purging the system with nitrogen. Specular reflectance accessories are available which allow the measurement of absolute reflectance.
Hitachi High-Technologies,
Berkshire, England
Fiber for Raman applications
A new high-gain fiber uses proprietary core composition and co-doping processes to produce low insertion and low dispersion specifications. The fiber is specifically designed for use in Raman amplifier, Raman pump laser and other fiber sensor applications. It is compatible with standard single-mode telecom fiber.
Fiberlogix, London, England
Complex beam-delivery system
The new CO2mpact range is a complete series of products that fulfill beam-handling requirements from the laser mount to the nozzle tip. The units are suited for all CO2 lasers up to 500 W with beam sizes up to 17 mm. Standard items in the product line include mirrors, blocks, nozzles, pipes, and shutter units.
Umicore Laser Products
PZT steering mirror
The S-334 is a long-range, high-speed solid-state PZT steering mirror. This two-axis mirror scanner provides a scanning range of ±1.5° on two orthogonal axes. The compact unit has a resonant frequency of >1 kHz (with 10-mm diameter mirror) and µ-radian resolution. Applications include beam steering and stabilization, image stabilization, optical-error compensation, metrology, scanning microscopy, and telecommunications.
Polytec PI, Auburn, MA
IR viewers
The IRVC, IRV1, and IRV2 are three new models of IR viewers for observing light emitted by infrared sources. The IRVC is a hybrid-intensified CCD camera with an IR image converter and integrated TFT-LCD display for the 350- to 1700-nm range. The IRV1 and IRV2 may be hand-held, post mounted, or attached to a facemask for hands-free operation.
Power Technology, Little Rock, AR
Metrology systems
The LWM250 UV/DUV CD mask metrology systems are designed to meet the requirements for CD measurement on masks and reticles. Highresolution UV optics enable measurement of features as small as 0.3 µm. The LWM250 DUV optical CD measurement system utilizes DUV optics to measure features down to 0.16 µm for the photomask industry.
Leica Microsystems, Chantilly, VA
Frame grabber
The new Bandit-II RGB is an integrated VGA frame grabber that is designed for use with RGB, composite video and S-video cameras. It offers two sets of user-programmable 8-bit input lookup tables for RGB or monochrome input signals that allow on-the-fly switching.
Coreco Imaging, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada
Linear image-sensor chips
Single-chip packaging of several linear image-sensor chips, including C106, C208, C212, and C250 is now available. The C106, C208, and C212 devices are designed for the application of silicon butting CIS modules. One chip can be butted to another to form a long image-sensor module. The resulting device can be used in applications including digital copiers, scanners, bar-code readers, OCR, and positioning.
CMOS Sensor, Cupertino, CA
Right-angle beam bender
The 90-Line takes the laser reference beam and turns it exactly 90° for squaring machinery, checking shaft alignment, adjusting machine tools, and other tasks. The tool also creates precise parallel lines for checking roller alignment, tracks, and mechanical guides. The exiting laser is square to the incoming beam within 0.001 in. over a distance of 8 ft.
Pinpoint Laser Systems, Newburyport, MA
Aspheric lenses
Aspheric lenses manufactured in volume are now available using a new thermal forming process. Convex and concave aspheric surfaces up to 80-mm diameter can be produced while maintaining a surface microstructure consistent with conventional polishing.
Linos Photonics,
Milton Keynes, England
High-NA optical fiber
Optran Ultra water-free fibers have 0.37, 0.44 and 0.53 numerical apertures. The fibers exhibit spectral transmission from 350 to 2200 nm. They are available in unlimited lengths. The fibers will perform at temperatures ranging from -190ºC to +400ºC (Optran Ultra 0.37), -40ºC to +130ºC (Optran Ultra 0.44) and -40ºC to +100ºC (Optran Ultra 0.53).
CeramOptec, East Longmeadow, MA
IR achromatic waveplates
Achromatic waveplates for the IR region maintain a nearly constant retardance over a range of wavelengths. Dual-crystal achromatic waveplates for IR wavelength ranges from 2 to 13 µm are also available. Broadband AR coatings are available.
Cleveland Crystals, Highland Heights, OH
Hydrothermal quartz-growth systems
Complete systems for hydrothermal growth of synthetic quartz are available in both high- and medium-pressure processes. Growth takes place under constantly controlled temperature and pressure within a forged pressure vessel. Average cycle time is 24 to 36 days, depending on the size and quality of the crystals. The growth process is microprocessor controlled and may be entirely controlled by a central computer.
Engineered Pressure Systems, Haverhill, MA
Pulse-energy heads
New-generation PE25 and PE50 pyroelectric heads are used to make pulse-energy measurements of lasers. The PE50 is a metallic absorber from 0.19 to 3.0 µm. They offer maximum pulse-rate limits to 4000 Hz, twice the previous limits for these heads. The linear specification has been reduced from 2% to 1% and the head thickness has been reduced from 33 to 24 mm.
Ophir Optronics, Danvers, MA
Bonding accessory
ProBond is a new bonding option for the ProAlign 5000 component assembly workstation. The new option automatically dispenses a controlled amount of adhesive, and then cures it with light. The ProAlign 5000/ProBond combination ensures repeatability in the bonding and curing part of the component assembly process.
Quebec City, Canada
Circular fluorescent illuminator
The Model 10XI circular fluorescent vision illuminator (CFVI) is an industrial-grade fluorescent lighting system designed for applications including imaging, process control, and inspection for machine vision. Powered by a high-frequency 25-kHz driver, the CFVI provides 360º of bright, uniform, shadow-free, and flicker-free illumination. An adapter is included to fit any microscope or camera type.
StockerYale, Salem, NH
Excimer laser
The ExciStar S-Industrial excimer laser is available in 193 nm (ArF) and in 248 nm (KrF). The design objective for these lasers was an improvement in the lifetime of the tubes and windows. Utilizing a "soft" discharge and improved dust removal system has extended the laser tube lifetime beyond 1 billion pulses. Gas must be refilled after 20 million pulses.
Germering, Germany
Pump-laser module
A new low-profile 980-nm pump-laser module in a 14-pin butterfly package with a thermo-electric cooler is designed for EDFA applications. The device has a standard footprint of 30 × 15.2 mm and height of 6.8 mm, approximately 25% lower in height than conventional modules. The device produces from 80- to 250-mW nominal output power with a FBG for wavelength stabilization.
Berlin, Germany
Temperature-control unit
The Model 426 temperature-control unit (TCU) provides secondary zone temperature control when attached to a primary cooling source. The TCU combines microprocessor control and a direct injection valve to provide a temperature range of less than 3ºF above source water to 180ºF with a stability of ±0.1ºF. It is designed to fit on top of a chiller to save bench space.
Polyscience, Niles, IL
Diamond heat spreaders
Diamondex CVD diamond heat spreaders are designed for high-power device applications such as laser diodes, microwave FETS and MMICs, and advanced multichip modules. Typical diamond submounts range from 0.020 × 0.020 in. to 1.0 × 1.0 in. or larger, with thickness from ~200 µm to 1 mm.
Morgan Advanced Ceramics,
Worcestershire, England
Wafer-dicing technology
MultiDice is an optical-beam delivery system specifically tailored to improve the throughput of laser-based semiconductor wafer dicing processes. Using a patent-pending dual and triple wavelength technology, the platform provides preremoval of first-layer materials, including low-k dielectric and other coatings that are either brittle or at risk of damage from specific laser wavelengths.
NanoVia, Londonderry, NH
Blocking filter
The SLM 3000 is a reconfigurable blocking filter (RBF) designed for use in reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs) to block any or all wavelengths. The RBF utilizes patented grating light valve (GLV) technology to provide dynamic wavelength management capabilities for DWDM optical networks for up to 80 channels at either 50- or 100-GHz channel spacing.
Silicon Light Machines, Sunnyvale, CA
Optical windows
A new line of glass and fused silica windows are intended for OEM production and prototype development. Made from BK7, fused silica or sapphire, the windows are available in up to 100-mm diameter with a wavefront distortion specification up to λ/10. Standard and custom coatings are available.
Sunex, Carlsbad, CA
Video camera board
The Panther video camera board, 20D479 NTSC or 21D479 PAL, is designed for OEM integration. The 42-mm square board delivers 490-TVL resolution, has H & V lock, and both SVHS and YUV in either digital or analog modes. For specialty markets, the board has a positive-negative mode with high contrast for true black-on-white or true white-on-black backgrounds.
Videology Imaging Solutions, Greenville, RI