New Products

July 1, 2008
Conduction-cooled, fiber-coupled 1550 nm diode-laser modules are based on single- or multibar configurations.

Conduction-cooled modules

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Conduction-cooled, fiber-coupled 1550 nm diode-laser modules are based on single- or multibar configurations. Modules include 400 µm, NA 0.22, SMA fibers that deliver 5 to 30 W output power depending on the number of diode bars integrated into the module. They are suited for pumping, medical treatments, medical processing and defense applications.
DILAS Diode Laser, Tucson, AZ
[email protected]

Multichannel TCSPC system

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The HydraHarp 400 is a multichannel picosecond-event timer and time-correlated single-photon-counting system (TCSPC) with a USB interface. It is based on a novel time digitizer with 1 ps resolution and has a processing rate of 12.5 million counts/s/channel. The modular design has up to four identical input channels with a common sync channel.
PicoQuant, Berlin, Germany
[email protected]

Vibration-isolation workstations

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Vibration-isolation tabletops ranging in size from 24 × 24 in. to 60 × 72 in. can be constructed from steel, ferromagnetic stainless steel, composite, or granite. Models include the Standard High-Performance Workstation, the Heavy/Moving-Load Workstation, the Personal Workstation, the Variable-Height Workstation, the Cleanroom, and the new MK26 Workstation, which utilizes the Minus K stiff spring and negative stiffness mechanism.
Kinetic Systems, Boston, MA
[email protected]

Focused beamshaper

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The Focal-πShaper converts, with nearly 100% efficiency, a Gaussian laser beam into a custom-shaped beam, including “flattop,” “donut,” “inverse Gaussian,” “trident,” or roof-like intensity profile. The shaper reduces the HAZ (Heat Affected Zone), realizes steep edges and kerf profiles and provides a controlled-focus beam size. It has no internal focusing and can be used in NIR, VIS, and UV systems.
MolTech, Berlin, Germany
[email protected]

Tunable optical filter

A tunable optical filter allows users to create an arbitrary optical spectrum for use in designing complex optical filters for communications networks. The system provides a sharp filter edge, with a 40 nm wavelength range in the C- or L-band. Arbitrary optical-filter designs and tuning functions are available.
Santec, Komaki, Japan
[email protected]

IR linear arrays

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The SU256LCS-2.6T2 photodiode detector array is available with 256 elements of extended-response InGaAs material, designed to cover the range from 0.9 to 2.6 µm. It has a large active area with 50 × 250 µm pixels. It includes a two-stage thermoelectric cooler and thermally optimized materials for multichannel spectrometers.
Sensors Unlimited,
Goodrich, Princeton, NJ

Compact camera

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The SIM-D ultrafast framing camera is designed for ease of use by even occasional users. An optical periscope allows focus adjustment, while a software package includes full measurement and image enhancement functions. The camera provides comprehensive triggering facilities, accurate timing control, and a wide range of output signals.
Specialised Imaging,
Hertfordshire, England

[email protected]

Sensor measurement

TCAD Sentaurus device simulation software, along with a ClusterInABox Quad Q30 workstation from Acceleware, provides electromagnetic stimulation for characterizing optoelectronic devices such as CMOS image sensors. It allows engineers to use finite-difference time-domain modeling to optimize their devices. Simulation time is up to 20 times faster than in previous combinations of hardware and software.
Synopsys, Mountain View, CA

FTIR microscopy

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The Nicolet iN 10 Fourier-transform infrared microscope is powered by OMNIC Picta software. The system is designed to simplify infrared microscopy. The microscope is equipped with a room-temperature detector and has no need of an external spectrometer. A slide-on ATR sampling device helps with ease of use.
Thermo Fisher Scientific,
Madison, WI

[email protected]

HDTV camera system

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The IK-HD1 3CCD HDTV camera has a head measuring only 1.6 in. and weighing 2.3 oz. It has 1920 × 1080 resolution at 30 frames/s, and comes with a C-mount lens flange, RS232C serial interface, and multiple outputs for HD-SDI, analog RGB, or Y/Pb/Pr. Accessories include a 4 or 15 mm lens and camera cables in lengths of 3, 6, 10, or 30 m.
Toshiba Imaging Systems Division, Irvine, CA

Skew measurement systems

The 2500 and 2800 optical-fiber analysis systems now offer skew measurement capability for parallel transmission cable assemblies. The 2800 uses the phase-shift measurement technique, while the 2500 obtains skew results based on relative pulse delay. A variety of launch conditions and wavelengths are available and both systems provide better than 0.5 ps skew resolution.
Photon Kinetics, Beaverton, OR

Developer’s kit

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The RGB Laser Combiner Developer’s Kit, created for projection-system designers, is based on complex monolithic optics (CMO) designs. Intended for use with DLP, LCOS, or LCD image panels, the kit measures less than 170 in.3, has a monolithic assembly with permanent factory alignment and an output lens to illuminate image panels up to 2.0 in. diagonal.
Agilent Technologies,
Santa Clara, CA

[email protected]

Line-scan cameras

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Runner Gigabit Ethernet line-scan cameras include seven models (six monochrome cameras and one trilinear color camera) with 1 k and 2 k CCD sensors and screwable RJ-45 connectors for tight connections. The Gigabit Ethernet interface is both GigE Vision and GenICam compliant. Cable lengths of up to 100 m allow long-distance data transmission.
Basler, Ahrensburg, Germany
[email protected]

UV laser

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The AVIA 355-23-250 Q-switched UV laser delivers more than 8 W of 355 nm output at repetition rates of 250 kHz and higher, for scribing and dicing applications. With fully automated active optimization functions such as PulseEQ, ThermEQ, and PosiLock, pulse repetition and pulse energy can be rapidly changed with no effect on beam quality (M2 less than 1.3), pulse to pulse energy stability (noise less than 5% rms) and beam pointing.
Coherent, Santa Clara, CA
[email protected]

PM rod-type fiber

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The DC-200-70-PM-Yb-ROD fiber is a polarization-maintaining version of the company’s rod-type fiber for high-peak-power amplification. It has a 200 µm pump core diameter for pumping at NA up to 0.6, pumping the Yb core at wavelengths between 915 and 980 nm. The 70 µm Yb signal core has an NA of approximately 0.02. The fiber supports output pulse energies of 3 mJ and output peak power of 3 MW for ns pulse amplification with a 20 GHz linewidth.
Crystal Fibre, Morganville, NJ
[email protected]

Blue 488 nm solid-state laser

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The 85-BBB blue solid-state laser provides up to 30 mW of output at 488 nm. Features include a new CLC compact, universal OEM controller, total power consumption of less than 20 W and an RS-232 interface. It is offered as a direct replacement for air-cooled argon-ion lasers in bioanalytical, medical and metrology applications.
CVI Melles Griot,
Albuquerque, New Mexico
[email protected]

Compact spectrometers

Compact Fourier-transform spectrometers from ARCoptix include the ARCspectro HT, a static-polarization spectrometer with high sensitivity that needs no focusing optics and works in low-light-level applications, and the ARCspectro NIR, a MEMS near-IR spectrometer with a spectral range from 500 to 2600 nm and 20 cm–1 resolution.
BFi OPTiLAS International,
Evry, France
[email protected]

Transparent conductive coatings

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Visible and near-IR transparent conductive coatings utilize a patented Microdyn sputtering process, allowing coated filters to remain stable while withstanding high thermal loads and changes in humidity. The new coatings with indium tin oxide, induced transmission silver, and induced transmission gold all deliver high transmission in specific wavelength ranges from 400 to 2500 nm. Substrates include silicon, germanium, zinc selenide and most compatible glass types.
Deposition Sciences,
Santa Rosa, CA

[email protected]

UV fused-silica corner-cube retroreflectors

A line of UV fused-silica corner-cube retroreflectors provides transmission in the UV, VIS, and near-IR. They have a coefficient of thermal expansion of 0.51 m/ºC and come in four sizes from 7.16 mm to more than 50 mm diameter. Designed to aid precision alignment, the prisms are suited for long-path-length metrology, remote sensing, and velocimetry applications.
Edmund Optics, Barrington, NJ
[email protected]

Linear stepper motor

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A compact, industry-standard, two-phase linear stepper motor provides 1 µm resolution, travels at 2 m/s, operates on any axis and has 1 G acceleration. The “5 lb Linear Stepper” is capable of 5 lb of continuous force. A full step is equal to 250 µm and one microstep measures 1 µm.
H2W Technologies, Valencia, CA
[email protected]

Chip-on-board illuminance sensor

The S10604 chip-on-board illuminance sensor is housed in a miniature package (2.0 × 1.25 × 0.8 mm) to save space. The RoHS-compliant sensor has reduced sensitivity to IR light, giving it a spectral response close to that of the human eye. It is intended as an energy-saving sensor for large-screen TV brightness control and as a backlight dimmer on cell phone LCDs.
Hamamatsu, Bridgewater, NJ
[email protected]

800 Mbit/s cameras

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The LightWise 1394b 800 Mbit/s Camera Family includes the LW-5-S-1394b, a 5-megapixel 1394b camera with full resolution (2592 × 1944) running at sustained 12 frames/s. Available in color and monochrome versions, features include a fully programmable image processing pipeline and dynamic-range/gamma-control LUT and a wide range of triggering and strobe control capabilities.
Imaging Solutions Group,
Rochester, NY

[email protected]

Comb laser diode

The InnoComb is a single Fabry-Perot laser emitting tens to hundreds of colors (comb spectrum) from a single laser cavity for O-band WDM. Ten milliwatts power per channel over 16 channels and more than 1 mW/channel over 100 channels have been demonstrated. Channel spacing is available from less than 50 GHz to 140 GHz (less than 0.28 nm to 0.8 nm) centered at any wavelength between 1250 and 1320 nm.
Innolume, Dortmund, Germany
[email protected]

Laser-safety products

A new handheld laser power meter offers precise power measurement. A companion high-power detector is available that measures up to 100 kW/cm2. Eye protection products are offered in a wide range of filters, including new Crystal Clarity filters that are stable at all temperature levels.
Laser Support Services,
Overstone, Fife, England

[email protected]

UV-laser wire-marking machine

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The ULYS 990 Modena is a laser wire- and cable-marking machine. It is suitable for cables used in aerospace, automotive, electronics and other industries. It includes proprietary EASYPROD command software. It also has a patented “Twin Shots” process, which enables the user to choose from the production mode and a “Boost” mode.
Laselec, Arlington, TX
[email protected]

Diode lasers

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Diode lasers are available at 880 nm for pumping Nd lasers. The standard line includes 30 and 32 W, fiber-coupled into a 200 and 400 µm fiber core, respectively. Customized lasers offer power levels up to 1 kW. The diode lasers, available as fiber-coupled modules or as collimated free-beam lasers, are ISO9022 certified and require no DI water cooling.
Limo, Dortmund, Germany
[email protected]

Color LEDs

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InspirationLEDs in pink, purple, and turquoise are housed in standard T-5 mm packages with radial leads and epoxy lenses. They use high-brightness InGaN-on-silicon chip technology with light output at 470 nm. Unique phosphor coatings are applied to shift color to the desired pink, purple, or turquoise. Applications include home electronics, automotive and appliance displays and medical equipment.
Lumex, Palatine, IL
[email protected]

Macro lenses

Designed as an alternative to CCTV lenses, the ML-N Macro Lens Series provides a choice of 0.1× to 1.0× magnification and a 70 to 350 mm working distance for moving-part inspection applications. These nontelecentric optical systems contain three or fewer lenses.
Moritex Europe,
Cambridge, England

[email protected]

Volume holographic glass gratings

PowerLocker volume holographic glass gratings are available in wavelengths from 350 nm to 3 µm. New proprietary photosensitive glass can now support double the optical power for the same shift in wavelength. The gratings increase the spectral brightness of laser diodes, locking their wavelength and increasing temperature stability and yield.
Ondax, Monrovia, CA
[email protected]

USB CCD cameras

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The SP5030U and SP620U USB 2.0 CCD cameras were designed specifically for laser-beam measurement applications. The cameras capture and analyze wavelengths from 190 to 1550 nm, both CW and pulsed mode. They have a dynamic range of up to 64 dB, a programmable high-speed electronic shutter and a photodiode synch to capture scattered laser light.
Ophir-Spiricon, Logan, UT
[email protected]

NIR photodetector-preamplifier

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The NIR/Red enhanced 6 mm2 ODA-6W-500M Photodetector-Preamplifier has a response at 940 nm and offers a 500 MΩ gain, with custom gains available. The component is based on proprietary shielded amplifier electronics and is housed in a hermetically sealed TO-39 can. Applications include fluorescence, microscopy, and analytical chemistry.
Opto Diode, Newbury Park, CA
[email protected]

Thermal-imaging camera

The Infrasight RD320 thermal-imaging camera uses a 320 × 240 uncooled detector array with better than 0.05°C sensitivity and a 16-bit digital Camera Link interface. The camera has a measurement temperature range of 0°C to 300°C, image capture, a display rate of 30 frames/s and a 70 µm pixel resolution.
OptoTherm, Sewickley, PA
[email protected]

OLED lighting technology

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White organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) have an efficiency of 46 lm/W (CIE of 0.46/0.42 measured in the integrated sphere) and a 5000 h lifetime at a brightness of 1000 cd/m2. The 100 cm2 prototype has a color-rendering index of 80.
Osram Opto, Regensburg, Germany

Raman laser source

A Raman laser source operates at 532 nm and is part of the LuxxMaster Raman Boxx product line. This fiber-coupled, green Raman source provides 50 mW power and relies on a patented VBG-stabilized 808 nm laser to pump a YAG crystal that has been frequency doubled to 532 nm. This results in stability with a narrow linewidth.
PD-LD, Pennington, NJ

Laser-line tunable filter

Laser-line tunable filters remove unwanted plasma lines and fluorescence from laser sources. Suited for Ti:sapphire and dye lasers, this nondispersive, slitless technology can be applied to any broadband source. Standard bandwidths vary between 0.25 to 2 nm in the VIS and between 0.8 to 6 nm in the near-IR. Out-of-band rejection is more than 40 dB and damage threshold is more than 5 GW/cm2.
Photon etc., Montreal, Canada
[email protected]

Video imaging system

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Designed to withstand high-G and rugged environments, the Fastcam SA3 megapixel, high-speed video imaging system was tested to 100G, 10 ms, 6 axis. The camera has a 17 µm pixel size for demanding frame rates or low-light applications. The 12-bit CMOS system has 2 µs global shuttering in two configurations (Model 60K and Model 120K) with 2 GByte and 4 GByte memory options.
Photron USA, San Diego, CA

Ceramic replacement actuators

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Three types of ceramic, nonmagnetic linear motor actuators replace classical actuators and motion-control components. The PiezoMove is for travel ranges of less than 1 mm, high forces, and submillisecond response. Unlimited travel ranges are provided by the ultrasonic motor actuators, PILine, and the piezo stepping linear motor type actuators, NEXACT and NEXTLINE.
PI (Physik Instrumente), Auburn, MA
[email protected]

Blue-violet laser modules

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The 35 mW and 60 mW 405 nm Photon laser modules with TTL modulation are designed for imaging, spectroscopy, fluorescence, microscopy and biomedical instrumentation. With an elliptical output beam of 3.5 × 2 mm, the TTL modulation input accepts signals from DC to 1 kHz maximum and can be used to enable, inhibit, or modulate the laser.
Photonic Products,
Hertfordshire, England

[email protected]

405 nm laser module

The 405 nm instrument-quality (IQ) laser module provides power output up to 120 mW. The module can serve as a “drop-in” replacement for the company’s current 60 mW IQ laser module. Applications include fluorescence, flow cytometry, high-resolution printing, and biodetection.
Power Technology, Little Rock, AR
[email protected]

Miniature student spectrometer

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Kronos is an inexpensive miniature flash photolysis spectrometer designed to introduce chemistry students to chemical kinetics using time-resolved spectrometry. Operating in the visible spectral range, it requires no laser or alignment. Students can generate reaction time profiles with output data in digital format as ASCII files. Optional PC, software, laboratory manuals and a set of chemicals are available.
Ultrafast Systems, Sarasota, FL

Diode-pumped mini lasers

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Quasi-continuous-wave diode-pumped mini lasers are available at 1064, 532, 355 nm, and 1.57 µm. The lasers have energy levels up to 7 mJ at 1.57 µm and 20 mJ at 1064 nm with 5 to 8 ns pulse widths at a repetition rate of up to 50 Hz. All optical and electrical components are housed in a single conductively cooled housing.
RPMC, O’Fallon, MO
[email protected]

Technical services and manufacturing

Technical services, manufacturing capability, laser and optical subsystems qualifications capability are being offered to outside customers. Technology capability includes laser modeling, mechanical design, finite-element analysis (stress, modal and thermal), optical analysis, optical bench experiments, rapid prototyping, as well as product qualification and failure analysis and production.
Princeton Optronics, Mercerville, NJ
[email protected]

Night-vision laser-detection cameras

The model NIR/SWIR night-vision and laser-detection cameras use proprietary InGaAs-NV technology and can see light wavelengths from 0.7 to 1.7 µm, where traditional night-vision cameras can detect wavelengths to approximately 1.0 µm. End users can detect and track many military lasers including the covert eye-safe 1.5 µm lasers.
Sensors Unlimited, Princeton, NJ

MWIR large-format lens assembly

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A 50 mm mid-wave-infrared (MWIR) large-format lens assembly is designed for use with cooled cameras with focal planes up to 28 mm in diagonal. It was developed with optional microscanning and step-stare sensor capability for enhanced imaging requirements. The lens assembly offers diffraction-limited performance over the entire FOV.
Sting Ray Optics, Keene, NH
[email protected]

Remote-head camera

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The progressive-scan, remote-head IK-TF7H7U camera delivers true-color output of 1024 (horizontal) × 768 (vertical) pixels at 30 frames/s at full frame and up to 90 frames/s in partial scan mode. It features a 1/100 to 1/100,000 s electronic shutter capability with no image jitter. The C-mount camera has digital Camera Link output.
Toshiba Imaging Systems, Irvine, CA

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