New Products

May 1, 2005

Laser-diode module

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A conduction-cooled, fiber-coupled laser-diode module provides up to 100 W into a 400-µm fiber core with a numerical aperture of 0.22. The MMF module is available in wavelengths of 808, 915, 940, and 980 nm. It is designed for pumping solid-state and fiber lasers, as well as medical and materials-processing applications.

Dilas, Mainz, Germany

Hybrid ball screws

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Hybrid ball screws use ceramic rolling elements. Using balls manufactured from silicon nitride instead of tool steel eliminates microwelding in the ball nut. This allows for longer lifetime, lower friction, and less lubricant required. Ceramic balls are available in ball screw sizes from 6 (diameter) × 3 mm (pitch) to 40 × 10 mm.

Steinmeyer, Bedford, MA

Blue LEDs

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The TBL Blue Series LEDs provide luminous intensities up to 12,000 mcd at 465 nm. The die process combines InGaN materials with a SiC substrate in a geometrically enhanced Epi-down chip structure design to maximize light extraction efficiency. They are available in 5-mm round and elliptical package styles with a variety of viewing angles.

Marktech Optoelectronics, Latham, NY

Compact lasers

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The CUBE family of lasers includes compact, fully featured diode-laser systems, available in 375, 405, 440, 635, and 785 nm. With output powers as high as 50 mW, the lasers can be operated from CW up to pulse repetition rates of 150 MHz, with a combination of analog, digital, and computer control. The lasers are designed for applications including bioinstrumentation, reprographics, life sciences, and metrology.

Coherent, Santa Clara, CA


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A series of waveplates include zero-order, multi-order, cemented, optical contact, multiwavelength, broadband (achromatic), wedge, and custom-­designed devices. They have parallelism or less than 1 arcs, surface quality of 20-10, and standard wavelengths from 248 to 2200 nm. They are designed for polarization management in laser systems, fiberoptic compoents, optical measurement, and consumer products such as DVDs.

Photop Technologies, Fujian, China


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The M-824 Hexapod 6-D micropositioning and alignment system provides submicron resolution in 6 degrees of freedom. It works in vacuum and has a 10-kg load capacity, resolution of 10 nm, minimum incremental motion of 200 nm, repeatability of better than 500 nm, linear travel ranges to 50 mm, and rotary travel ranges to 36°.

PI (Physik Instrumente), Auburn, MA

Diode drivers

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The PPS-120 series of laser- diode drivers provides up to 150 A of CW or pulsed current at various compliance voltages. Some models have an automatic voltage adjustment to allow users to operate various configurations of laser diodes. The units are microprocessor controlled with Flash memory, and have internal pulse and frequency generation and RS-232 interface control.

Portable Power Systems, St. Louis, MO

Diode module

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The IQ laser-diode module operates on SVDC to produce less waste heat and increase diode lifetime. It comes with a precision current source and PID temperature controllers. It is designed for high-end OEM instrumentation and analytical applications such as laser-induced fluorescence, spectroscopy, interferometry, printing, microscopy, and biomedical analysis.

Power Technology, Little Rock, AR

Fiber lasers

The redPOWER line of fiber lasers now includes a 2- to 20-W compact module, a 20- to 25-W continuous wave/modulated (CWM) system, an enhanced 100-W CWM laser, a 1550-nm 5- to 10-W laser module/system, and a 1550-nm pulsed laser module. They are aimed at materials processing applications.

Southampton Photonics, Southampton, England


A line of Fabry-Perot etalons have ±1-nm thickness precision and free-spectral-range (FSR) tolerances as tight as ±0.001 GHz. Standard 2 × 2‑­mm fused silica etalons are available for the 1520- to 1630-nm range with 50- and 100-GHz FSR values, typical tolerances of ± 0.0025 GHz, and 43% or 73% reflectivity, with fitnesses of 3.8 and 10, respectively.

Precision Photonics, Boulder,

Laser-line filters

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The 325-nm MaxLine laser-line filter has better than 65% peak transmission at the laser line, rapidly rolling off to an optical density of more than 5 at wavelengths differing by 1% from the laser wavelength. The wavelength corresponds to a line of a helium cadmium laser. Also available are a 441.6-nm filter with better than 90% peak transmission and a notch filter with OD of more than 6 attenuation of the 441.6-nm line.

Semrock, Rochester, NY

Dual-wavelength camera

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The Visible-InGaAs Snapshot MicroCamera weighs 2.5 oz and measures less than 26 cm3. It images simultaneously in the visible and near-IR and produces a single, combined image. It has 320 × 256 pixel resolution with a 25-µm pitch. QE exceeds 70% in the 1000- to 1600-nm range, 50% at 800 nm, and 10% at 400 nm.

Sensors Unlimited, Princeton, NJ

Fiber coupler

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The FiberDock fiber coupler is designed to work with both the company’s fiber lasers and those made by others. It has degrees of freedom to allow coupling efficiency up to 85% with SM fibers or PM-SM fibers and 90% with MM-fibers. Both PC and APC connectors can be used.

Toptica Photonics, Munich, Germany

Palm-sized spectrometers

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The Venkata series of spectrometers is designed for hand-held, battery-operated applications. Wavelength ranges come in standard Vis (400 to 800 nm), Wide Vis (350 to 1100 nm), near-IR (850 to 700 nm), and wide-IR (1000 to 2200 nm) in a 107 × 74 × 21-mm package. In a 186 × 138 × 41-mm package, 350- to 1700-nm and 350- to 2200-nm versions are available.

Valley Optics, Fremont, CA

Holographic diffraction gratings

A line of true-volume phase-holographic diffraction gratings are designed for applications involving laser-cavity tuning, spectral measurement, hyperspectral imaging, Raman spectroscopy, astronomical spectrography, and medical imaging. They operate in transmission and come in hermetically sealed packaging. They offer dispersion of more than 900 l/mm at 1545 nm.

Wasatch Photonics, Walnut Creek, CA

Wavefront interferometer

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The WaveCam 1000 is a vibration-insensitive wavefront interferometer incorporating 4-D technology. Using a patented single frame dynamic achromatic phase sensor, the turnkey instrument is designed to test Blu-ray, DVD, and CD pickup heads. The instrument measures intensity and phase, collimated or divergent beams, and operates with pulsed or CW sources.

4D Technology, Tucson, AZ

Rotary stage

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The ASR1200 Series Direct Rotary Stage includes an integral pneumatically operated collet chuck for automated material handling. The ER 16 collet accepts up to 5.8-mm O.D. tubing. The stage also includes a sealed water jacket for wet cutting processes. Other features include a threaded collet retainer, low inertia shaft, direct-drive brushless motor and encoder and a maintenance-free frictionless rotary union.

Aerotech, Pittsburgh, PA

Hand-held fusion splicer

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SpliceMate is a portable fusion splicer that utilizes Fujikura’s Profile Alignment System (PAS) technology. The splicer has a dual-camera inspection system, 3.5-in. dual-direction monitor, auto arc calibration, 40-s tube heater, 30-MPH wind protector and is offered in single- or four-fiber versions.

AFL Telecommunications,

Portable oscilloscopes

The 6000 Series includes 12 portable digital-storage and mixed-signal oscilloscopes (DSOs/MSOs) with bandwidths of 300 MHz, 500 MHz, and 1 GHz. They feature patented MegaZoom III display technology, providing real-time, XGA waveform viewing with 256-color and memory depth to a full 8-Meg points. The oscilloscopes are designed for use by embedded system designers in aerospace/defense, automotive, communications, and consumer electronics.

Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA

Side-illuminated photodiode

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The PDCS200E is a side-illuminated photodiode, optimized to monitor the output power of edge-emitting ­laser chips. It measures 180-µm thick and receives the light emitted at the ­laser back facet directly through its side facet, instead of the top surface. Positioned directly behind the FP or DFB laser, no submount is required as the chip’s curved side diffracts the incoming light directly onto the photodiode active area.

Albis Optoelectronics, Rueschlikon, Switzerland

Laser measurement system

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The XD Series Laser Measurement System features an integrated controller, Ethernet communications, wireless data transmission option to computer and a modular weather station. The instrument is available in 1-, 3-, 5-, and 6-degree-of-freedom configurations. The scalable system includes API’s Winner modular software.

Automated Precision, Rockville, MD

Software toolkit

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The CEDIP LabVIEW Toolkit provides a comprehensive set of image-acquisition and analysis subroutines as well as dynamic link libraries for the LabVIEW programming environment. The Toolkit is provided on a CD and allows users to acquire, store, retrieve, display, and process still images and video using CEDIP IR cameras.

CEDIP Infrared Systems, Croissy-Beaubourg, France

Laser pump module

The LC96 series 980-nm laser pump module provides power output of up to 580 mW and is designed for ­EDFAs. Incorporating the new G08 laser chip in a hermetically sealed, 14-pin, cooled butterfly package, it uses polarization-maintaining fiber to enable stable performance over a wide dynamic range.

Bookham, San Jose, CA

12-bit CCD camera

The pco.1300oem CCD camera is specifically designed for OEM applications. Utilizing an FPGA processor for control and timing as well as a proprietary offset control algorithm, it provides high offset stability, regardless of ambient temperature or signal changes. Features include 1344 × 1024 resolution, 12-bit dynamic range, cooling, and IEEE 1394 interface.

Cooke, Romulus, MI

Ultrashort-pulse laser

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The Impulse is an all-diode and ­direct-diode pumped Yb-doped fiber oscillator/amplifier. The system is capable of producing variable pulse energies up to 10 µJ at repetition rates ­between single shot and 2 MHz (up to 20-W average power output at 2 MHz.) The system is suited for micromaching, photopolymerization, direct-write waveguides, high s/n pump/probe, and OPA/NOPA pumping.

Clark-MXR, Dexter, MI

Yb-doped double-clad fiber

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The HPA-Yb-140-02 is an ytterbium-doped double-clad fiber. It has a 140-µm core, 400-µm cladding and absorption of 17 dB/m at 975-nm pumping. Designed for high-power fiber amplifiers, the fiber is based upon a proprietary confinement technology, allowing mode selection and reduced fiber length, and resulting in a gain-managed large-mode-area fiber.

CorActive, Quebec City, Canada

Urethane adhesive

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Dev-Thane 5 urethane adhesive is designed for primerless bonding of rubber or metal to glass, concrete, or wood. It can also bond IPS to foam, foam to ABS, and aluminum to aluminum. It cures at room temperature with 63 Shore D hardness.

Devcon, Danvers, MA

NIR neutral density filters

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TECH SPEC NIR Neutral Density Filters feature a spectrally flat region between 700 and 1100 nm. The filters are suited for attenuating low-power lasers including 1064-nm Nd: YAG wavelength. Other applications include NIR spectroscopy, machine vision and analytical chemistry. The filters can be stacked to obtain optical densities from 0.3 to 3.0.

Edmund Optics, Barrington, NJ

Micro optics

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Micro-optics designed for optical communications and micro-optical systems include micro PBS, NPBS, waveplates, and prisms. Micro PBS measuring as small as 1 × 1 × 1 mm cover the C and L bands with an IL of less than 0.08 dB and a transmission extinction greater than 26.0 dB. Single-plate, zero-order microwaveplates measure 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.5 mm and are offered as thin as 30 µm, with retardation tolerance better than λ/500. Micro right-angle prisms measure 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.5 mm.

Foctek, Fujian, China

Transimpedance- amplifier system

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The TIA-3000 is a multi-application, transimpedance-amplifier system. The luminance, night-vision and general-radiometric light-measurement system features interchangeable lenses and filters. In luminance configuration, the instrument detects as little as 10E-6 candelas per square meter of luminance and as little as 0.3 femto­watts of optical power in night-vision configuration.

Gamma Scientific, San Diego, CA


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The S9736 Series of full-frame-transfer charge-coupled devices (FFT-CCDs) were developed for use in scientific measuring instruments, fluorescence spectrometers, Raman spectrophotometers, and optical and spectrophotometric analyzers. The CCDs use an MPP operation mode for a dark current of 10e-/pixel/s at 0°C, with a typical readout noise of 4e-rms.

Hamamatsu, Bridgewater, NJ

Scanning-electron microscope

The Nova NanoSEM is a low-­vacuum, field-emission scanning-electron micro­scope (FEG-SEM) designed for characterization of charging and contaminating nanoscale samples such as organic materials, substrates, porous materials, plastics and polymers. Proprietary Helix detector technology combines a magnetic immersion lens and low-vacuum SEM technology.

FeinFocus, Hillsboro, Oregon

Integrating capsule

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The new UPK-30S60-L measures the total flux of longer side-emitting ­fiberoptic sources without increasing sphere ­diameter and cost, by stretching its 30‑mm diameter integrating sphere into a capsule shape 60 mm long. A circular baffle design and diffuse-­reflectance optical diffuse material coating ensure integrating effects similar to spheres of larger diameters.

Gigahertz-Optik, Newburyport, MA


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The Protein 280 ex is a lifetime spectro­fluoremeter that can measure three fluorescence lifetimes in a few minutes. The system uses the modular Fluoro­cube, with a pulsed 280-nm UV NanoLED source. Time-correlated single-photon counting is used to record lifetime data. The system is suitable for examining biomarkers and studying the dynamics of protein folding.

Horiba Jobin Yvon, Edison, NJ

Aluminum substrates

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The Anotherm substrate is a thermally conductive aluminum alloy material. Visible LEDs and other components can be mounted directly to the material, eliminating the need for attached heatsinks, mounting hardware and the associated assembly costs. Solderable thick-film conductors can be screen-printed directly on the substrate to connect surface-mount packaged components as well as wire-bonded die.

IRC, Corpus Christi, TX

Source-measure instruments

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The Series 2600 System SourceMeter Instruments combine a source-measure unit (SMU) with a scalable instrument form factor to allow integration into systems from 1 to 16 SMU channels. A proprietary embedded Test Script Processor (TSP) lets users program and execute sequenced test commands without a PC. The single-channel Model 2601 and the dual-channel Model 2602 are suited for building ATE systems to perform DC, pulse and low frequency AC source-measure tests.

Keithley Instruments, Cleveland, OH

Optical table

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The new 5100H Series of vibration-damping optical tables is available with widths to 6 ft., lengths to 20 ft. and thicknesses to 36 in. Constructed using a proprietary epoxy formulation, the tables offer a stiff, highly damped surface with a natural frequency of 270 Hz, a core shear modulus of 225,000 psi, and an overall flatness of ±0.005 in.

Kinetic Systems, Boston, MA

Optical backscatter reflectometer

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An enhanced Optical Backscatter Reflectometer (OBR) is a failure-analysis tool allowing examination of optical components, modules, and assemblies to measure minute reflections with 125-dB sensitivity, 60-dB dynamic range, and 40-µm spatial resolution. Enhancements include an increased measurement range from 30 to 300 m and updated hardware.

Luna Technologies, Blacksburg, VA

Imprint lithography system

The Imprio 250 is a nano-imprint lithography system. It offers sub-50-nm half-pitch resolution, sub-10-nm alignment and an in-liquid, integrated magnification control. The tool is built to semiconductor industry standards around a core platform using step-and-flash imprint lithography (S-FIL) technology. It includes automatic wafer handling (up to 300 mm) and automated template loading capability.

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Molecular Imprints, Austin, TX

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