Solutions for integrating stock laser optics into R&D laser systems include the TECHSPEC variable beam expander, beam combiners, and systems designed to characterize beam profiles, with options for laboratory and prototyping applications as well. The company offers 1750 unique laser optics, including lenses, filters, mirrors, assemblies, etc., in stock and available for immediate delivery.
TECHSPEC variable beam expanders have use in high-power laser applications where magnification changes may be required, such as prototyping or R&D. They feature ¼-wave transmitted wavefront, Galilean designs, and high-laser-damage-threshold antireflection (AR) coatings to ensure maximum transmittance while minimizing ghost reflections. Internal translation and focusing mechanisms continuously adjust magnification and laser divergence without affecting overall housing length, removing the need to make system accommodations for changes in length. 532, 1064, and VIS coating options in magnifications of 1–3X and 2–8X are available.
LASYS booth number: A14
To Learn More:
Contact:Edmund Optics
Headquarters: Barrington, NJ
Product: Laser optics solutions
Key Features: 1750 optics available for R&D, laboratory, and prototyping applications
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