Vortran Laser Technology introduces the Stradus 488 nm diode-laser module, featuring an unprecedented 50 mW output. The newest product in Vortran's Stradus line is designed as an affordable alternative to standard, high-power-output diode-pumped, solid-state (DPSS) lasers used in flow cytometry and microscopy applications. The module features digital modulation up to 200 MHz, with analog modulation at ≥ 500KHz. The Stradus product line and the new 488 nm diode-laser module features include M² of 1.25 (typical) and greater than 90% circularity. Beam dimensions are 1.3 mm diameter for all wavelengths, the pointing stability is less than 5 µrad/ºC, and the module offers low rms noise (less than 0.1% from 10 Hz to10 MHz). It is ideal for OEM tasks in a variety of areas, such as medical diagnostics, defect analysis, confocal microscopy, R&D, and laboratory applications.
Vortran Laser Technology
Sacramento, CA
Vortran Announces New Stradus 488 nm
Blue Laser Diode Module with 50mW Output
Vortran Laser Technology, Inc., suppliers of advanced instrumentation and diode laser modules for industrial and biomedical use, introduces the Stradus™ 488nm diode laser module, featuring an unprecedented 50mW output. The newest product in Vortran's Stradus family line has been designed as an affordable alternative to standard, high-power-output diode-pumped, solid-state (DPSS) lasers which are commonly used in flow cytometry and microscopy applications. This innovative model features digital modulation up to 200 MHz, with analog modulation at ≥ 500KHz.
The Stradus product line and the new 488nm diode laser module features include M² : 1.25 (typical) and greater than 90 percent circularity. Beam dimensions are 1.3mm diameter for all wavelengths, the pointing stability is less than 5 µrad/ºC, and the module offers low RMS noise (less than 0.1 percent from 10 Hz to10 MHz).
Vortran's 488nm high-power-output diode laser module is compatible with both USB and RS-232 interfaces, and offers automatic thermal control of the diode and all optical elements' temperature for superior alignment and pointing stability. It is ideal for OEM tasks in a variety of areas, such as medical diagnostics, defect analysis, confocal microscopy, R&D, and laboratory applications. Available for shipment January 1, 2010.
Vortran Laser Technology, Inc. (www.vortranlaser.com - Sacramento, CA) is a U. S. manufacturer of reliable, high-end laser diode modules from the ultraviolet (UV) to the infrared (IR) spectral range, specializing in OEM applications. Vortran's advanced instrumentation and experienced engineering team delivers laser diode modules with beam specifications that are ideal for flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, defect analysis, R&D, industrial, and laboratory projects.