Analog Modules intros CW and pulsed laser diode driver

Designed for compact industrial and medical laser applications, the Model 784 continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed laser diode driver provides 50 A and 2.5 V of power, and requires 5 VDC of input power. Pulsewidths vary from 600 ns to CW, with power capabilities up to 125 W with adequate cooling.
Analog Modules
Longwood, FL
[email protected]
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Analog Modules, Inc. announces the release of its Model 784 CW and Pulsed Laser Diode Driver
Longwood, FL – November, 2011. Analog Modules, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of its CW and Pulsed Laser Diode Driver, Model 784.
The Model 784 CW and pulsed laser diode driver (pump laser diode driver) is ideal for compact industrial and medical laser applications. Proprietary technology allows AMI to offer a 50A, 2.5V driver with industry leading efficiency and footprint that only requires +5VDC input power. Pulsewidths are variable from 600ns to CW with power capabilities up to 125W with adequate cooling. The 784 is manufactured as a RoHS compliant assembly, but military versions also are available.
For detailed specifications and outline drawings on the Model 784, visit our website at to view the product data sheet. Please contact AMI to discuss the specifics of your application at [email protected] or phone +1 407-339-4355.
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