SPIE Elects 27 New Fellows

July 5, 2001
SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering will honor the Fellows at its 46th Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, this summer.

SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering will honor 27 new Fellows of the Society at its 46th Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA, this summer. Fellows are members of distinction who have made significant scientific and technical contributions in fields of optics, photonics, and imaging.

“The annual recognition of Fellows provides an opportunity for us to acknowledge outstanding members for their service to the general optics community,” says Richard B. Hoover, SPIE President. The Fellows Committee, chaired by Prof. Henri H. Arensault, University Laval, selected 27 new Fellows to be honored along with other award winners in August. Each new Fellow joins a prestigious list of over 390 SPIE members so honored for their contribution to the discipline since the Society�s inception in 1955.

SPIE Fellows for 2001:

Oleg V. Angelsky

Professor and head of the Correlation Optics Department, Chernivtsi University, Ukraine, for his extensive accomplishments in the field of correlation optics. Angelsky co-organized one of the first SPIE conferences in the former Soviet Union and has continued his work by chairing SPIE conferences on correlation optics in 1993, 1995, 1997, and 1999. SPIE published his monograph Use of Optical Correlation Techniques for Characterising Scattering Objects and Media in 1999. Scientific projects managed by Angelsky won grants from the American Physical Society and the Ukrainian Scientific-Technological Centre. He is an active member of the governing board of SPIE�s Ukraine Chapter.

Abdul Ahad S. Awwal

Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Wright State University, for his significant achievements in optoelectronic computing, electro-optic displays, and optical system design. Awwal developed a methodology for optoelectronic computing system design consisting of a polarization encoded optical systems design algorithm. He has also introduced several parallel ultrafast computing techniques. He devised a metric, called dynamic MTF, for restoration of dynamically degraded images. He is the author of more than 140 articles, a textbook on optical computing, and two book chapters. He received the distinguished teaching award in 1996 from Wright State. Awwal is a member of many organizations including SPIE, OSA, the American Institute of Physics, and IEEE and has actively participated in organizing conferences and symposia.

Marylyn H. Bennett

Member of the technical staff, Texas Instruments Inc., for technology leadership in critical dimension metrology; production-worthy automatic defect classification; and defect inspection, review, and characterization for yield enhancement. Bennett is a recognized expert in contamination-free manufacturing, scanning electron microscopy, semiconductor particle metrology, and electron beam inspection. She is the author or coauthor of 40 publications in the field. She has trained more than 100 users on scanning electron microscopy at Texas Instruments Inc., and is currently on a two-year assignment to SEMATECH as a project manager for reticle inspection. Her service to SPIE includes co- chairing the Microlithography Symposium in 2001, participating in technical committees, and editing SPIE proceedings, volumes 2196 and 2439, on metrology, inspection, and process control.

Hans I. Bjelkhagen

Senior Research Fellow, De Montfort University, United Kingdom, for his important technological achievements in color holography, holographic recording materials, and Lippmann photography. Bjelkhagen�s impressive career in holography covers a wide variety of research such as holographic recording of unique art objects, the only recorded hologram of an American President, development of a recording system for dental casts, and a new potential procedure for optical biopsy. He is the editor of selected papers on holographic recording materials, SPIE PRESS Vol. MS130, and has chaired numerous technical sessions at SPIE conferences. He worked at Cern and at the Fermi Institute applying holography to the recording of particle tracks in cloud chambers. As a professor at Northwestern University, he developed a holography-based endoscope. He holds nine patents and has authored more than 100 journal and proceedings articles.

Gail J. Brown

Senior Research Physicist, Research Leader, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, for her substantial contributions in the areas of optical properties of infrared semiconductor material and advanced bandgap engineering structures. Brown designed and implemented one of the early Fourier transform spectrometers used as a standard measurement technique for infrared detector and electronic materials. More recently her work has focused on potential detector materials based on GaAs and AlGaAs quantum wells. Her research has greatly advanced the understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms for normal incidence absorption in materials with complex valence band structures. Recently, Brown measured a record cut-off wavelength of 24 mm on a superlattice diode. In addition to her research, she has served as conference and symposia chair at several SPIE Photonics West meetings and currently serves as an SPIE Symposia Program Committee member.

Keith K. Denoyer

Senior Engineer, CSA Engineering, Inc., for his achievements in smart structures and component technologies in support of large optical space systems. Denoyer has an exemplary record of accomplishments in the development and demonstration of precision optical systems, including key in-space flight experiments. One of his most significant developments was a system for protecting fragile optical spacecraft from the tremendous vibration, shock, and acoustics loads generated during launch. He led the team that developed and launched the world�s first whole-spacecraft vibration isolation system. He also had a leadership role in the demonstration of low-shock mechanisms for releasing satellites into orbit. He has more than 16 patents and 200 technical articles to his credit. Denoyer is extremely active in the professional community and directly responsible for a number of education outreach activities in his field. His service to the SPIE community includes acting as a program committee member for the Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials and as a member of the technical working group.

Michael R. Descour

Assistant Professor, Optical Sciences Center, University of Arizona, for his development of new technologies that have substantially advanced the field of imaging spectrometry. Descour developed a new design for making multilevel binary phase gratings using a gray-scale photomask and a new technology to acquire spectral images using computed tomography techniques. In addition to his teaching load, he continues to develop the computed-tomography imaging spectrometer in collaboration with the Jet Propulsion Lab. He is the coauthor of four patents and many technical articles. Descour is known for extending himself to students as well as peers in helping teach and mentor optical engineers. He has served as consulting editor to the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. He has also chaired numerous SPIE conferences on imaging spectrometry and unconventional imaging for industrial inspection.

Dennis H. Goldstein

Physicist, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, for his significant contributions to the fields of polarimetry and optical signal processing. Goldstein has chaired five SPIE conferences on polarization and was the driving force behind the organization of the successful new SPIE Polarization Technical Group. The lab facility he developed at Eglin AFB is an important technical asset to the polarization community and is unique in that complete polarization characteristics of optical components can be measured as a function of wavelength. He has published five patents and more than 50 articles. Among his developments are invariant spatial filters, a patented phase-encoding scheme, and the use of the genetic algorithm for spatial filter development.

Edward M. Granger

Melbert B. Cary, Jr., Distinguished Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology, and President, Ontario Beach Systems LLC, for his accomplishments in the fields of image analysis, subjective image quality, development of lens MTF calibration and interferometric evaluation of optical systems. Granger�s career includes 34 years with Eastman Kodak, the publication of several patents and prolific authorship of technical articles, as well as service to the optics community through teaching for the Rochester Institute of Technology but through his professional affiliations. His work has resulted in a wide range of computer programs for determining MTF, a summary measure of image quality called the Subjective Quality Factor, and wavefront determination from a knife edge test where two-dimensional wavefront errors can be determined directly from the knife edge instrument.

James G. Grote

Senior Electronics Engineer, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory, for his outstanding work in the areas of optoelectronic devices, optical interconnects, and microlithography. Grote�s excellent technical contributions include demonstrating the first reconfigurable optical interconnect and digital logic operation using AlGaAS-based optoelectronic zero-gap directional couplers with very low switching voltages. He also developed an NLO polymer optoelectronic modulator switch with a potential order of magnitude shorter interaction length than conventional devices. He has been awarded two patents for his work with conductive claddings and has authored 30 publications and presentations, eight in the year 2000 alone. Grote�s service not only includes his work as an SPIE conference chair, adjunct professorial duties for the University of Dayton, and on student thesis committees, but also his initiation of an Air Force sponsored Scientist in Residency program at an Ohio elementary school.

Malcolm R. Howells

Senior Staff Scientist and head of Optical Sciences Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, for his valuable research in the field of synchrotron radiation and the development of x-ray optics for this research. Howells has made significant contributions to the field of x-ray optics over the past 30 years. During his long career, Howells has been involved in the planning phase of seven synchrotron radiation facilities. Because of his expertise, Howells� advice is often sought in the planning of x-ray beam lines and in the design of x-ray optical components. This has led him to collaborate with many researchers in the x-ray community in several countries. He recently developed the use of stainless steel as a substrate material for reflective x-ray optics and has been studying how best to match the optics and the source to exploit existing lower energy x-ray beam lines. He is very active both in SPIE and in the synchrotron x-ray communities. He has co-chaired several SPIE conferences and published his research in more than 130 articles. He is known for developing grazing incidence monochromators, x-ray holography, coherence properties of synchrotron radiation sources, and high-precision focusing mirrors for x-ray microprobe optics.

David Kessler

Senior Research Associate, Optical Systems Design Group, Engineering Physics Laboratory, Eastman Kodak Company, for his significant achievements in optical systems design, specifically in the integration of lasers into photographic printing systems. Kessler�s accomplishments include 34 U.S. patents; a variety of successful products such as flying spot laser printers, film scanners, blur filters for digital cameras, and projection systems; and numerous papers and presentations. He has specialized in the design of imaging, illumination, and Gaussian beam systems. He has taught courses in optical systems design as a visiting professor at Tel Aviv University, Israel, chaired a technical group on optical systems, and served as chair of an SPIE conference on optical hard copy and printing systems.

Tadeusz Kryszczynski

Professor and Head of the Department of Geometrical Optics, Institute of Applied Optics, Poland, for his exceptional achievements in optical systems design with an emphasis on microscopic optics, zoom systems, and computer programs for optical design. Kryszczynski has published more than 100 scientific and technical papers and holds more than 20 patents. He authored the book Analysis of Four-Component Zoom Systems with Mechanical Compensation. As an active member of SPIE�s Poland Chapter, Kryszczynski is responsible for the cooperation with Russian and Ukrainian optical societies. He recently presented a new procedure for computer-aided design of optical systems based on the algebraic theory of lens optics.

William P. Latham

Chief, Cooperative Development Branch, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory/Directed Energy Directorate, for his outstanding work in the areas of laser and optical resonator design and analysis, and laser applications in biophotonics and materials processing. Latham is co-inventor of the unstable resonator with 90-deg beam rotation. He has also contributed many numerical analysis algorithms for laser resonators, implementing the Krylov matrix method and the five by five matrix formalism. He was the technical manager of the ALPHA space-based laser optical resonator design program. and has led the effort to utilize lasers within materials processing. Latham is also known for nurturing a cooperative environment between government, education, and the private sector. He currently manages the award-winning Technology Transfer for Education Program.

Virendra N. Mahajan

Systems Director, The Aerospace Corporation, and Adjunct Professor, Electrical Engineering -Electrophysics Department, University of Southern California, for his valuable contributions to the field of optical imaging and aberrations. During Mahajan distinguished career he has authored numerous papers as well as a two-volume book on optical imaging and aberrations. He is editor of selected papers on Effects of Aberrations in Optical Imaging, SPIE PRESS Volume MS74.

Mahajan is known for pioneering space-based pointing and tracking and infrared surveillance during his nine-year tenure at the Charles Stark Draper Lab. He has been an active member of both SPIE and OSA. He is currently a member of SPIE�s publication committee and previously served on SPIE�s education committee. In addition to his service to the optics community, Mahajan developed a program of teaching in academia as an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California.

Vladimir B. Markov

Senior Scientist and Head of Applied Optics Group at MetroLaser, Inc. for his extensive theoretical and experimental accomplishments in holography, including amplification of optical signals, volume holograms, and high-density holographic storage systems. Markov performed the first analysis of amplifying optical signals with holography, which lead to 2D and 3D image amplification. He also developed technology to record high-quality holographic displays and pioneered the study of the properties of volume holograms with amplitude-phase encoded reference beams. He established the first Institute of Applied Optics of the National Academy of Sciences with a branch in Bogota, Columbia. He also formed permanent and traveling holographic exhibitions (shown in more than 15 countries). He promoted the science of holography to UNESCO and established a Center of Applied Holography in Kiev. He has been a member of the SPIE Ukraine Chapter since its inception.

Thomas D. Milster

Associate Research Professor, University of Arizona, Optical Sciences Center, for his important contributions to optics education and the field of optical data storage. Milster is an expert in the area of optical data storage and has published many book chapters and papers in this area. He is often asked to speak on the topic internationally. He has a large research group at the Optical Sciences Center including graduate and postdoctoral students. He is the author of a paper selected by SPIE as one of the 300 most influential in lens design. In addition, he has developed lecture notes in areas where there were no texts. He has published more than 90 technical papers and one patent. His service to SPIE includes chairing and co-chairing several conferences including the SPIE Photonics Taiwan Conference on Optical Storage and Optical Information Processing. He also teaches several SPIE short courses a year.

Mitsunobu Miyagi

Vice Dean, Graduate School of Engineering, and Professor, Department of Electrical Communications, Tohoku Univ., Japan, for his pioneering development of hollow waveguides for use in the transmission of infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Miyagi has published more than 180 articles and is the holder of eight patents with 20 patents pending. He is known for establishing the foundations of waveguide theory that today guide the fabrication and development of hollow guide structures. His latest work seeks to extend the transmission to the soft x-ray region and to the fabrication of beam reformatting optics for excimer lasers and soft x rays. His work has led to technology transfer to a number of companies including cable and dental laser companies. His service to the optics community includes promoting the field through visiting professorships in Korea, China, and Czechoslovakia. He has also helped organize SPIE symposia and chaired various conferences.

Jose M. Sasian

Associate Professor, University of Arizona, Optical Sciences Center, for his significant achievements in education and the fields of optical design, fabrication, and testing. Sasian is known for his optical design of telescope systems. He holds three patents and is the advisor of many graduate students. He provides a good liaison between the Optical Science Center and the Mexican optics and astronomy community. He chaired an optical system design conference for SPIE and is a topical editor for OSA�s Applied Optics. His honors include the Rudolf Kingslake medal and prize for the best paper published in SPIE�s Optical Engineering journal in 1994. He has published more than 40 technical papers.

Robert J. Schalkoff

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clemson University, for his advancement of research and education in computer vision and pattern recognition. For over two decades, Schalkoff�s work has been fundamental to both the education of students and to the application of research-derived technology to real problems. He is internationally known for his four published textbooks. In addition, he has produced more than 70 journal and conference papers. His early work on motion analysis provided a framework for image motion estimation. His research on the geometry of line-curve mapping led to new approaches in creating virtual environments from real data. He also has produced numerous publications on the application of neural networks, mathematical morphology, and fuzzy logic techniques to image processing and computer vision problems. As a teacher, Schalkoff has produced more than 25 PhD and MS graduate students. Since becoming a SPIE member in 1984, he has chaired numerous sessions and published widely in SPIE Proceedings.

Tuviah E. Schlesinger

Professor and Associate Department Head, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University for his outstanding work in penetrating radiation and electro-optic devices. Schlesinger is a leader in the development of room-temperature semiconductor radiation sensors and photonic devices such as electro-optic beam scanners. He and his colleagues were the inventors of the electro-optic beam deflector. Implementation of Schlesinger�s recommendations increased the lifetime of high-quality mercuric iodide detectors produced at government laboratories and U.S. industry. One of his most noteworthy achievements is the development of cadmium zinc telluride detectors for high-resolution nuclear medicine. He is one of the founders of the Applied Electro-Optics Corp. He also has organized several workshops and symposia in several areas including radiation sensors and optical recording. Currently he is co-director of the General Motors/Carnegie Mellon Satellite Research Lab.

H. Philip Stahl

Senior Optical Physicist, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center for his substantial achievements in optical metrology, optical engineering, and phase-measuring interferometry. Many of the world�s largest telescopes were fabricated with the aid of high-speed and infrared phase measuring interferometers developed by Stahl. In addition to supporting two microgravity experiments as President of Stahl Optical Systems Inc., Stahl has worked for Raytheon Danbury, Breault Research Organization and as a professor at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. He has chaired four SPIE conferences in advanced optical manufacturing and testing, two conferences in industrial optical sensing, and one in optical inspection and metrology. His involvement in the optics community outside of SPIE includes membership in OSA since 1980 and participation on the OSA optical fabrication and testing committee. He has been on the Lasers and Optronics Editorial Board since 1990.

Kenneth W. Tobin

Group Leader and Senior Research and Development Staff Member, Oak Ridge National Lab., for his important work in electronic imaging encompassing scene analysis and pattern recognition for machine vision applications. Tobin currently has more than 90 publications and holds three U.S. patents with three patents pending. Over the past nine years, Tobin helped to establish three programs at Oak Ridge in electronic imaging in the areas of industrial inspection, biomedical imaging, and national security. He has become a recognized expert in semiconductor yield management for his work in applied computer vision. He serves on a Semiconductor Industry Association committee and co-chaired the SPIE Photonics West Program on Microengineering/Manufacturing in 2001. As a member of IEEE, Tobin serves as a committee member of the Workshop on Computer Vision Beyond the Visible Spectrum and due to his work in forensic video analysis, he now serves on the FBI Scientific Working Group for Imaging Technology.

Mikhail A. Vorontsov

Senior Research Fellow, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, for outstanding achievements in nonlinear optical systems with two-dimensional feedback for high-resolution adaptive wavefront control, image processing, and optical synergetics. Vorontsov has published more than 200 papers and four books on a variety of subjects including adaptive optics, optical information processing, and phase retrieval problems. He began his work in 1979 studying adaptive optical techniques for atmospheric turbulence-induced phase distortion suppression. Later, his research focused on wavefront phase distortion suppression, extended source image mitigation, and target recognition. Among his many significant achievements are development of real-time simulation of severe phase distortion effects on imaging system performance and demonstration of a high-resolution adaptive system. His service includes membership on technical advisory committees for the Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative and work as a National Research Counsel Advisor. He chaired SPIE conferences in 1998, 1999, and 2000 and served as editor of the resulting Proceedings publications.

James S. Walton

President and owner of 4D Video, for having significantly advanced the technology of image-based motion measurement and motion reconstruction. Walton is known for developing software for 2D and 3D analysis of motion close-range cine photogrammetry to quantify gross human motion, wind tunnel tests of wing tip displacements of helicopter blades, as well as for his 3D studies describing aircraft flight paths. Before owning his own company, Walton worked for Motion Analysis Corporation, General Motors Research Labs., and Computerized Biomechanical Analysis Inc. As a consultant, his research includes on-board recovery of 2D and 3D data for Ford Motor Company and recovery of spacesuit range-of-motion data for NASA. His service to SPIE includes acting as chair of the SPIE Technical Group on High-Speed Photography and his long-time membership in the SPIE Technical Group on Electronic Engineering.

Edward A. Watson

Technical Director, Electro-Optical Technology Division, U.S. Air Force Research, and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Air Force Institute of Technology, for his outstanding leadership and research in novel, nonmechanical beam steering techniques and in electro-optical imaging systems for target recognition. Watson has published many technical articles including a Kingslake Award Winner and an IEEE Baker Prize winner. He is a recognized authority on novel beam-steering and receiver technologies for laser radar systems. He has mentored five graduate students and a postdoctoral fellow. One of his many accomplishments is his method to increase the coupling efficiency of return laser radar signal into a fiber optic receiver using liquid crystal phased arrays. He has pioneered much of the work in reducing dispersion effects while steering an optical beam with a writable grating. He is active in both SPIE and OSA and has served as a member of several SPIE program committees and as chair for the OSA technical group on systems and instrumentation.

Dr. Martin C. Weisskopf

Chief Scientist for X-Ray Astronomy, Space Sciences Laboratory, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, for his substantial contributions to advancing the fields of x-ray optics, hard x-ray optics, and x-ray polarimetry. As project scientist for the Chandra X-Ray Telescope, Weisskopf provides scientific and technical guidance to the development of what many consider the world�s most advanced x-ray telescope. While working for NASA, Dr. Weisskopf developed a new technique for imaging hard x rays through a unique array of grazing incidence replicated mirrors. In addition, he has held numerous positions in the optics community including the National Academy of Science�s panel on High Energy Astrophysics from Space. He also has chaired many SPIE technical sessions, edited the SPIE book Space Optics: Imaging X-Ray Optics Workshop, and authored or coauthored more than 60 SPIE publications.

SPIE is an international not-for-profit technical society dedicated to providing education and information services to the Optical Engineering community and to promoting the engineering, scientific and commercial development and application of optical, photonic, imaging, and optoelectronic technologies through its education and communications programs together with its meetings and publications. For more information, contact [email protected] or visit our web site at http://spie.org.

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