Aviator area scan camera models with a GigE interface feature 1, 2 (in 4:3 and HDTV), and 4 Mpixel resolutions in mono or color. The GigE interface offers data transport at over 100 fps at 1 Mpixel resolution (100 MB/s) over distances of up to 100 m. Features include a 62 × 62 × 57 mm housing, progressive readout, and global shutter technology, and applications include medical imaging, photovoltaics, and factory automation/robotics.
Basler Vision Technologies
Ahrensburg, Germany
[email protected]
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Basler “aviator” GigE Cameras Start Series Production
Ahrensburg, 28 April 2011 – Basler has started series production of aviator area scan camera models with a GigE interface. These cameras combine superior image quality, speed, and leading edge Basler GigE technology in an ideal way. With a starting price of 1590€, they are among the most cost-effective cameras in their performance class.
The new camera models feature 1, 2 (4:3 and HDTV), and 4 megapixel resolutions in mono or color. The GigE interface offers reliable data transport at over 100 frames per second at 1 megapixel resolution (100 MB/s) over distances of up to 100 meters.
As a result of Basler’s extensive Kodak sensor experience, the aviator series offers great image quality, even at high image capture rates. Due to their advanced four tap readout technology, the new generation of Kodak sensors used in aviator cameras is up to four times faster than comparable CCD sensors. And with Basler’s unique tap balancing capabilities, the sensors yield the most homogenous imaging results.
Equipped with a compact 62 mm x 62 mm x 57 mm housing and features such as progressive readout and global shutter technology, aviator GigE cameras are well suited for a large array of applications in different industries, including factory automation/robotics and medical imaging as well as photovoltaics and the ITS market.
The new aviator GigE camera models complement Basler’s already well-established aviator models that feature a Camera Link interface.
Basler Vision Technologies is a leading global manufacturer of digital cameras for industrial applications, medical devices, traffic systems, and the video surveillance market. Product designs are driven by industry requirements and offer easy integration, compact size, and a very strong price/performance ratio. These characteristics are the decisive factors allowing Basler to hold a leading position in the GigE Vision arena today. Founded in 1988, Basler has more than 20 years of experience in vision technologies and offers one of the broadest product portfolios in the industry. The company employs about 300 people at its headquarters in Ahrensburg, Germany, as well as in international subsidiaries and offices in the U.S., Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan.
For more information, please contact us at +49 4102 463-500, e-mail us at [email protected], or visit us on the web at: http://www.baslerweb.com
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