Model 972 solid-state loop-powered vibration and temperature sensors monitor machinery performance. They provide level monitoring alarm and shut-down capabilities in a choice of ranges and response characteristics. Operating from a 20–36 V power supply, 972 sensors continuously measure vibration and temperature and transmit the data directly into a PLC.
Columbia Research Laboratories
Woodlyn, PA
[email protected]
Model 972 solid state loop-powered vibration and temperature sensors from Columbia Research Labs are designed to monitor and trend machinery performance. They provide level monitoring alarm and shut down capabilities in a choice of ranges and response characteristics. Operating from a 20-36 volts power supply, 972 sensors continuously measure both vibration level and temperature, key machinery health parameters, and transmit the data directly into a PLC, providing accurate level monitoring. These sensor feature two 4-20 mA signal outputs. Outputs are expressed in Velocity and Acceleration. 972 sensors are offered in two case styles, both of which are case isolated with outputs accessible via standard 4 pin connectors.
The vibration level output of the 972 indicates either Velocity or peak Acceleration with factory set ranges of 0-1, 0-2, and 0-5 inches/sec and 0-10, 0-20, and 0-50 Gs pk respectively. The frequency response range is from 5 to 2000 Hz and + 5% accuracy is maintained over an operating temperature range from 0 to 100°C.
For more information call 1-800-813-8471; Fax: 610-872-3882; e-mail: [email protected]; or visit