Washington, DC--An April report from the United States Government Accounting Office (GAO) to the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate is entitled "Actions Needed to Address Scientific and Technical Challenges and Management Weaknesses at the National Ignition Facility" and is critical of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) program and says that the late 2010 goal of fusion ignition is "unlikely."
Laser Focus World has been following the NIF project closely; see these related stories: "NIF achieves symmetric capsule implosion", "NIF scientists break one megajoule barrier", "NIF tour: prepare to be impressed", and "NIF is up and running at last".
The opening sections of the report say: "Despite substantial progress, NNSA [the National Nuclear Security Administration], its national laboratories, and the other organizations carrying out the NIF ignition effort face difficult scientific and technical challenges, which could limit the extreme temperatures and pressures that can be achieved using NIF’s 192 lasers and, thus, delay or prevent ignition at NIF. As a result, successful ignition at NIF during the first attempt, scheduled for late 2010, remains unlikely, according to independent experts."
The report continues, "In addition, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which operates NIF for NNSA, waited 4 years to implement a recommendation to form a standing external review committee of experts to advise on the challenges. Although a committee met for the first time in December 2009, three factors could limit its effectiveness. First, the committee may not be able to give fully objective, candid advice, because the committee will take direction from, and report to, Livermore’s Director, rather than to NNSA. Second, the committee will mainly review ignition activities after the fact, rather than advising on them sooner. Third, although its membership includes at least one scientist with significant nuclear weapons design experience, the committee may lack sufficient expertise to determine whether ignition-related efforts will meet the future needs of scientists conducting stockpile stewardship research at NIF."
The report warns of additional costs that have previously plagued NIF: "Weak management by NNSA has allowed the cost, schedule, and scope of ignition-related activities to increase substantially, and further increases are possible."
A full copy of the report can be found at www.gao.gov/new.items/d10488.pdf.
--Posted by Gail Overton; [email protected]; www.laserfocusworld.com.