Nd:YAG laserThe Model LDP-200MQG diode-pumped, frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser produces 100-W average power at 532 nm. It has a beam quality of M2 <12 and at 10 kHz achieves a peak pulse power >50 kW. Pulse stability is 5% peak-peak up to 30 kHz and better than 10% up to 50 kHz.Lee Laser, Orlando, FL
Optical power meter
The 522B-HP optical power meter can perform measurements up to +27 dBm and is calibrated to NIST standards with 980, 1310, 1480, 1550, and 1625 nm. It has a dynamic range of 80 dB and can store up to 1000 data records with a power reading, reference value, calibration wavelength, date, and time.
RIFOCS Corp., Camarillo, CA
Optical glasses
Optical high-performance glasses have extreme refractive indexes and Abbé values. Lead- and arsenic-free glasses are available as are lead-containing glasses and lanthanum glasses.
Schott Glas, Mainz, Germany
Fiber collimators
Microfiber collimators using SELFOC GRIN lenses have low insertion loss and high coupling efficiency for DWDM components. They have working distances of 100 mm and greater for switching applications and have lens diameters of 1 mm with an effective diameter 20% larger than standard 1.8-mm lenses.
NSG America, Somerset, NJ