Fibercore Ltd

Southampton, Hampshire SO16 7QQ


About Fibercore Ltd



Fibercore House
Southampton Science Pk
Southampton, Hampshire SO16 7QQ
United Kingdom

More Info on Fibercore Ltd

A leading innovator, designer and manufacturer of specialty fiber serving customers across the world. Products include specialty fiber for aerospace, defense, telecommunications, oil & gas, energy, medical and fiber laser.


FIGURE 1. Three-dimensional shape sensing promises to facilitate procedures such as coronary angioplasty with highly accurate GPS-like guidance provided by feedback from the optical fiber, which exhibits strain when bent; this application is enabled by a highly complex optical fiber such as the spun seven-core SM-7C 1500(6.1/125).
Detectors & Imaging

Advanced Optics: Advanced fiber optics further biomedicine

Leading-edge manufacturing processes have enabled the production of optical fibers robust and flexible enough to address an exciting new range of biomedical applications.
(Courtesy of Interfiber Analysis)
Shown are an end-face image of Fibercore's spun multicore fiber, SSM-7C 1500(6.1/125; a) and a diagram of the cores taking a helical path down the length of the fiber with FBGs distributed along the length of each core (b). The multicore fiber end-face image was measured on an IFA-100 fiber index profiler.
Fiber Optics

Fiber Sensing: Medical fiber-optic sensors offer haptics, 3D shape sensing, and pressure sensing

Moving beyond conventional fiber-optic sensing, novel types and configurations of sensing fibers provide new capabilities for minimally invasive surgery.
(Courtesy of Nufern)
FIGURE 1. A near-infrared pulsed laser signal is sent down an optical fiber, creating Rayleigh, Brillouin, and Raman backscattering—all of which are used for different types of distributed sensing, as seen in this spectral schematic. Brillouin and Raman scattering occur via the Stokes and anti-Stokes processes.
Fiber Optics

Photonics Products: Specialty Fibers: Fibers for sensing extend their reach

Optical fibers used for sensing can measure temperature, strain, pressure, sound, electrical current, and even the 3D shape of the fiber itself.
FIGURE 1. Fiber drawing that includes a conventional UV-cured acrylate coating process.
Fiber Optics

Fiber-Optic Components: Harsh-environment optical fiber coatings: Beauty is only skin deep

Successful deployment of optical fibers in harsh environments for oil and gas, nuclear, medical, and aerospace applications depends far more on the fibers' immediate external ...
(Courtesy of Southampton University Opto-Electronics Reseach Centre Optical Fibre Group)
FIGURE 1. The properties of microstructure or photonic-crystal fiber depend on air gaps within the cladding to create an average refractive index that is significantly lower than that of the typically solid silica core.
Fiber Optics

MICROSTRUCTURE FIBERS: Photonic-crystal fibers move out of the laboratory

Despite handling and manufacturing challenges, photonic-crystal or microstructure optical fiber is beginning its transition from technical curiosity to killer technology.

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Additional content from Fibercore Ltd

(Courtesy of Fibercore)
FIGURE 1. Low-Earth orbit, medium-Earth orbit, and geostationary Earth orbit as they overlap with Van Allen belts.
Fiber Optics

Advancing industry innovation with specialty optical fibers

Specialty optical fibers are rapidly moving beyond niche applications.
Buyer's Guide

Erbium Doped Fiber AstroGain™

Fibercore’s new AstroGain™ erbium doped fibers are designed for use in space applications, including amplifiers for inter-satellite communications and light sources for earth ...
Buyer's Guide

Zing™ Polarizing Fiber

Bow-Tie Single Polarization Fibers for All-Fiber Polarizers
Buyer's Guide

PM Gyro Fiber

The No. 1 Fiber for Fiber Optic Gyroscopes