Laser Quantum Ltd

Stockport SK4 3GL


About Laser Quantum Ltd

Laser Quantum, the UK's largest laser manufacturer, offers a range of world-class CW lasers in a wide range of powers and wavelengths.


Emery Ct
Vale Rd
Stockport SK4 3GL
United Kingdom

More Info on Laser Quantum Ltd

Laser Quantum, the UK's largest laser manufacturer, offers a range of world-class CW lasers in a wide range of powers and wavelengths. Additionally, we also manufacture femtosecond oscillators and lasers covering repetition rates from the MHz to GHz regimes. All our lasers offer innovative, cutting-edge technology to meet your needs.


Laser systems, ultrafast


The helixx is a variable wavelength laser with an output beam that can be controlled between 720 nm and 920 nm via a simple touch screen panel. With a repetition rate of 250 MHz...
Lasers, solid-state

axiom 660

The axiom is a high power red laser providing a market-leading output of 6 W at 660 nm with excellent noise and stability. Along with its ultra-compact power supply unit, it forms...
Shared User Pr6500b297fad94e81b79887e077db3b08
Lasers, solid-state

gem 473, 532, 561, 660, 671 nm OEM lasers

The gem is a high specification, single transverse mode CW laser range covering our visible wavelengths. Combined with the highly compact SMD12 OEM power supply with RS232 communication...
Shared User Pr82f0adac318e46cc927d4d02fd17d4b7
Lasers, solid-state

ventus family, 473 nm, 532 nm, 561 nm, 660 nm, 671 nm scientific lasers

The ventus family of lasers is characterised by the stability, beam quality and lifetimes of its different members. This scientific laser range offers a high power in a compact...
Shared User Pr5ccf551ba93c4e6ea02f0f840ccdd085
Lasers, solid-state

taccor comb

The taccor comb consists of a powerful 1 GHz turn-key Ti:sapphire laser with a matched dispersion compensation module, super-continuum generation and ultra-stable f-to-2f interferometer...
Shared User Prce43c26c10664a29aca62b7115e023fd
Laser systems, ultrafast

Taccor one GHz femtosecond laser, 740-920 nm

The taccor is a unique turn-key femtosecond laser with integrated pump source in a hermetically sealed cavity. At 1 GHz repetition rate, delivering up to 1.6 W of average power...
Shared User Prd54652bf60fc42a68ec4d2c798aae121
Lasers, solid-state

torus actively locked single frequency lasers, 532 nm and 660 nm

The torus is a high-specification, single frequency laser. Using intelligent electronics, the torus continually tracks its longitudinal mode position and ensures there is no mode...
Shared User Prd3ec7827c42d4f739edd1c12daf583cd
Lasers, solid-state

opus 532 nm to 6 W, 1064 nm to 10 W, 660 nm to 1.5 W lasers

The opus is a premium laser boasting excellent beam parameters, including near-unity M-squared and exceptional power stability. A highly rugged laser designed for demanding applications...
Shared User Pr15ff9467e66a4214b5530b16fcd90278
Laser systems, ultrafast

venteon ultra

The venteon ultra laser system provides unique spectral properties with an integrated DPSS pump laser on a novel designed, monolithic breadboard. It offers the shortest available...


FIGURE 1. A single shot of the terahertz time-domain waveform is shown with a 120 ps time window (a). The inset magnifies the time trace indicating a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of >100 with a root-mean-squared (RMS) noise value of 0.013 at 100 µs measurement time without averaging. The Fourier transform of the terahertz time-domain waveform (b) shows >30 dB dynamic range in spectral power.
Detectors & Imaging

Kilohertz pixel scanning rates meet terahertz spectroscopic imaging

Efficient terahertz generation and high-speed asynchronous optical sampling enable 10,000 pixel-per-second spectroscopic imaging with >100 signal-to-noise ratio.
1712 Lfw Pro 1
Test & Measurement

Laser Quantum terahertz spectroscopy system uses asynchronous optical sampling

The HASSP-THz terahertz spectroscopy system offers up to 1 GHz spectral resolution and spectral coverage in excess of >6.5 THz.
1607 Lfw Pro 16
Lasers & Sources

Low-noise 16 W laser from Laser Quantum offers spectral bandwidth of 50 GHz

The 532 nm finesse laser provides beam pointing stability below 2μrad/°C with 0.02% noise.
1311prod Laserquant
Lasers & Sources

Laser Quantum's pump laser offers CEP stabilization

The finesse pure CEP pump laser enables the direct modulation of the pump laser, removing the use of an external AOM.
Laser Quantum Tau 671 nm laser

Laser Quantum 671 nm laser delivers output up to 50 mW

The Tau 671 nm laser has a compact, mono-block design suitable for OEM integration.

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Additional content from Laser Quantum Ltd

Shared User Prc451279ef86e40fa9c3945d2e04a9c96
Lasers, solid-state

finesse pure 4-16 W 532 nm laser, RMS noise

The finesse pure is built on the highly popular 532 nm finesse platform and covers the same range of power levels, but with RMS noise reduced to below 0.02%. More significantly...
Buyer's Guide

finesse pure CEP 4–16 W laser with DC to 700 MHz direct modulation

The finesse pure CEP brings a new level of usability to the complex application of carrier-envelope phase stabilization. It enables the direct modulation of the pump laser, removing...