Yokogawa Corp of America

Newnan, GA 30265


About Yokogawa Corp of America


2 Dart Rd
Newnan, GA 30265
United States

More Info on Yokogawa Corp of America

Provides a wide range of advance optical telecommunication test equipment for both lab and field use. Products include optical spectrum analyzers (OSAs), wavelength meters, VOAs, switches, light sources, and OTDRs.



Test & Measurement

Optical spectrum analyzer characterizes broadband light sources

The grating-based AQ637xE optical spectrum analyzer has a free-space optical input.
(Courtesy of Aragon Photonics)
FIGURE 1. The BOSA Phase high-resolution complex OSA from Aragon Photonics performs phase measurements for discrete spectral components with repetitive optical signals. It measures the amplitude spectrum with an ultrahigh resolution of 80 fm, bandwidth limited only by the signal under test. Amplitude and phase of the optical signal are directly obtained in the frequency domain and converted to the time domain via inverse Fourier transform.
Test & Measurement

PRODUCT FOCUS: OPTICAL SPECTRUM ANALYZERS: Understanding the latest features in optical spectrum analyzers

An OSA has long been an important tool for signal discrimination in networking. New capabilities such as in-band OSNR and wider dynamic range are expanding their potential in ...

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Buyer's Guide

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Buyer's Guide

AQ6150 Optical Wavelength Meter

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