Teledyne Imaging Sensors

Camarillo, CA 93012


About Teledyne Imaging Sensors



5212 Verdugo Way
Camarillo, CA 93012
United States

More Info on Teledyne Imaging Sensors

Provides design, development and production of high performance infrared and visible sensor subsystems used in space missions, long range terrestrial surveillance and targeting and astronomy applications.


Teledyne Optech
The CZMIL SuperNova solution from the newly formed Teledyne Geospatial group.
Test & Measurement

Teledyne combines CARIS and Optech businesses to form geospatial mapping unit

The new Teledyne Geospatial group will offer solutions to map land and sea through the integration of lidar sensors combined with software workflows.
Teledyne Imaging
Detectors & Imaging

Line scan cameras offer 7 µm or 14 µm pixels

The Linea Lite line scan cameras, based on a proprietary CMOS image sensor, are available in 2k and 4k resolutions.
FIGURE 1. Original point cloud from 32-channel lidar (left) and noise reduction after further refining the calibration of individual channels using Optech LMS software (right).
Software & Accessories

In modern lidar systems, software plays a starring role

A terrain-mapping lidar system benefits from robust self-calibration and post-processing capabilities.
Teledyne Imaging
Test & Measurement

Teledyne Imaging 3D profile sensors have built-in compensation algorithms

Z-Trak2 5GigE 3D profile sensors for in-line applications deliver scan speeds of 45,000 (S-2K model) or 10,000 (V-2K) profiles/s.
(Courtesy of Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope)
FIGURE 1. The Orion Nebula was imaged with the WIRCam (Wide Field Infrared Camera) of the 3.6 m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii. WIRCam is based on a 4096 × 4096-pixel mosaic of four H2RG short-wave (1 to 2.5 µm) sensors (inset). Most of the red stars in this image were first observed with the advent of IR cameras.
Detectors & Imaging

EXOTIC IMAGING: IR focal-plane arrays enable imaging that is out of this world

The HAWAII-2RG infrared focal-plane arrays are incorporated in some of the largest ground-based observatories in the world, and are bound for space too.

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