Is an unparalleled leader in providing custom optical systems solutions. We offer advanced precision custom optical design, optical engineering, optical lens assembly, rapid optical...
The Axion 1xE is a Camera Link frame grabber that is fully compatible with every high-speed, high-performance camera including base, medium, full or 80-bit (10-tap) configurations...
CXP-12 is the latest CoaXPress standard, now transmitting video at 12.5 Gb/s. While the speed of data through the frame grabber has doubled, the overall architecture has remained...
CXP-12 is the latest CoaXPress standard, now transmitting video at 12.5 Gb/s. While the speed of data through the frame grabber has doubled, the overall architecture has remained...
The Cyton-CXP4 can be configured in many different ways. It can acquire from one quad CXP-6 camera (total data rate: 25 Gb/S) , four singles, two doubles or any combination.
The Axion is the 6th generation Camera Link frame grabber from BitFlow. It has the ability to acquire from dual 10-tap cameras while offering PoCL at the same time.
New frame grabbers acquire stable, low-latency data from CL Base CamerasDesign engineers in the machine vision industry now have more configuration options than ever before with...
New approach opens up dual mapping technology to broader cardiovascular research communityOptical mapping is an imaging technique that measures fluorescence signals across a cardiac...
Claxon CXP1 designed for new generation of single link CXP-12 camerasBitFlow has expanded its Claxon™ series of high-performance CoaXPress CXP-12 frame grabbers with a new single...
BitFlow recently assisted OneBoxVision, an integrator located in Ireland, in developing two web-based machine vision systems for a North American film extruder. The systems ensure...
BitFlow frame grabber technology has been incorporated into a prototype Augmented Reality Microscope (ARM) platform that researchers at Google AI Healthcare (Mountain View, CA...