AdvR Inc

Bozeman, MT 59715


About AdvR Inc



2310 University Way
Bldg 1-1
Bozeman, MT 59715
United States

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Fabricates engineered structures in bulk and waveguides using KTP, MgLN, and SLT. Applications include frequency conversion, phase modulation, and beam deflection with a full line of packaging available.


FIGURE 1. An AdvR high power fiber-coupled (HPFC) phase modulator fabricated with KTP waveguides allows for significant power handling improvements over traditional phase modulators in LN. A HPFC phase modulator operating at 780 nm is capable of >100 mW input power with broadband modulation and low Vπ.
Test & Measurement

Nonlinear Optics: KTP fiber-coupled phase modulators advance atom interferometry

Waveguide-based phase modulators that can handle high powers enable advances in inertia sensing, among other applications.
FIGURE 1. Backwards QPM can be used in a potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) waveguide to produce a counterpropagating SPDC source. The pump source propagates from left to right through the waveguide. The KTP waveguide is poled with submicron periods allowing for quasi-phase-matched counterpropagating signal and idler photon pairs. Detection of the backwards propagating idler photon can be used to herald the presence of the forward propagating signal, generating a spectrally pure source of heralded photons.

NONLINEAR OPTICS: NLO waveguide structures advance quantum communications

Periodically poled nonlinear optic (NLO) crystal waveguides overcome obstacles inherent in bulk NLO devices, generating useful quantum states that support leading-edge quantum...
(Courtesy of AdvR)
Three different 2D patterns produced by the output of two orthogonal beam deflectors were captured with a CCD camera. The same deflector technology is used in a 1 × 35 fiber-in, fiber-out EO switch (below).
Detectors & Imaging

FIBER-OPTIC INTERCONNECTS: Electro-optic deflection enables 1 × 35 fiber-optic switch

Poled electro-optic crystals are at the core of a compact fiber-optic switch design that can handle watts of optical power at megahertz switching speeds.

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