Bristol Instruments Inc

Victor, NY 14564


About Bristol Instruments Inc



770 Canning Pkwy
Victor, NY 14564
United States

More Info on Bristol Instruments Inc

Bristol Instruments designs, manufactures, and markets precision instruments based on its expertise in optical interferometry. Bristol Instruments offers a variety of optical interferometer-based wavelength meters and spectrum analyzers to characterize CW and pulsed lasers that operate from the visible into the mid-IR.


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High-Resolution Laser Spectrum Analyzer - 771 Series

Laser spectral analysis and wavelength measurement with one instrumentThe 771 Series Laser Spectrum Analyzer combines proven Michelson interferometer technology with fast Fourier...
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Pulsed Laser Spectrum Analyzer – 772 Series

Spectral analysis of pulsed IR and mid-IR lasersThe 772B-MIR Laser Spectrum Analyzer from Bristol Instruments combines proven Michelson interferometer technology with fast Fourier...
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High-Accuracy Wavelength Meter - 671 Series

High guaranteed wavelength accuracyThe 671 Series Laser Wavelength Meter uses proven Michelson interferometer-based technology to accurately measure the wavelength of CW lasers...
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Fastest Laser Wavelength Meter - 871 Series

Fast, accurate, and reliable wavelength measurement for pulsed and CW lasers

Press Releases

238 Optical Wavelength Meter For Web 300x99

Bristol Instruments Introduces New Optical Wavelength Meter Covering the Broad Range of 700 to 1650 nm

VICTOR, NEW YORK February 16, 2022 –Bristol Instruments is pleased to announce the introduction of the 238 Series Optical Wavelength Meter. This system is designed for the precise...
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Bristol Instruments Now Offers a Fiber-Coupled Laser Spectrum Analyzer for Infrared Applications

VICTOR, NEW YORK September 15, 2021 –Bristol Instruments is pleased to announce an addition to its 771 Series Laser Spectrum Analyzer. The new model 771 NIR2 supports the spectral...
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Bristol Instruments Now Offers a Fiber-Coupled Laser Wavelength Meter for Infrared Applications

VICTOR, NEW YORK July 28, 2021 – Bristol Instruments is pleased to announce an addition to its 671 Laser Wavelength Meter Series. The new 671 NIR2 system supports the characterization...


(Image credit: Bristol Instruments)
Software & Accessories

Multi-laser PID controller offers frequency resolution up to up to 200 kHz

The MLC Series multi-laser proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller can electronically control the frequency output of multiple lasers.
(Image credit: Bristol Instruments)
Test & Measurement

Laser wavelength meter provides 1 kHz sustained measurement

The 872 Series high-resolution laser wavelength meter supports laser wavelength measurements from 375 to 1700 nm.
(Photo credit: SPIE)

Preview: SPIE Photonics West 2024 exhibitor products

Here's a snapshot of what will be shown on the SPIE Photonics West 2024 exhibit floor.
238 Optical Wavelength Meter
Test & Measurement

Optical wavelength meters feature continuous calibration

238 Series optical wavelength meters, with an operational range from 700 to 1650 nm, characterize wavelengths of tunable transmitter lasers, distributed-feedback lasers, and VCSELs...
Bristol Instruments
Test & Measurement

Laser wavelength meter uses a Michelson interferometer-based design

The 671 NIR2 laser wavelength meter provides the exact wavelength of continuous-wave lasers that operate from 1.0 to 2.6 μm.
Bristol Instruments
Software & Accessories

Software displays optical spectrum with >10 GHz resolution

NuView optical spectrum analyzer software converts the company’s 438 Series multiwavelength meter into a high-resolution optical spectrum analyzer.
Bristol Instruments

Bristol Instruments optical thickness software includes a group index lookup table

New features in updated Opti-Cal software, included with the company’s optical thickness gauges, include a Quality Control mode.
Test & Measurement

Bristol Instruments optical wavelength meter features continuous calibration

The 338 Series optical wavelength meter uses Michelson interferometer-based technology with Fourier transform analysis.


Nicolas George

Mktg Mgr

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Additional content from Bristol Instruments Inc

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Bristol Instruments Introduces NuView Optical Spectrum Analyzer Software for its 438 Series Multi-Wavelength Meter

The 438 Series Multi-Wavelength Meter simultaneously measures the wavelength, power, and OSNR of as many as 1000 discrete optical signals.
338 Optical Wavelength Meter Aversion (1)

Bristol Instruments Now Offers Higher Wavelength Measurement Accuracy for Fast and Affordable Optical Transceiver Testing

The model 338A uses proven Michelsoninterferometer-based technology with fast Fourier transform analysis to measure the wavelength of CW and modulated signals to an accuracy of...