Glass Fab Inc

Rochester, NY 14605


About Glass Fab Inc



257 Ormond St
Rochester, NY 14605
United States

More Info on Glass Fab Inc

We purchase optical materials such as optical glass, filter glass, fused quartz and fused silica, and low expansion materials in bulk form and convert them into near net-shaped blanks to our customers specifications. Our full range of machining capabilities, our overall machine capacity, and our cost effective purchasing allows us to provide competitive pricing and lead times.

Glass Fab Inc. is 100% committed to quality and our customer's satisfaction.   Our pride and confidence in our employees provides the means to meet, and through continuous improvement, exceed our customer's expectations.

We have over 70 pcs of equipment for coring, sawing, grinding, milling and generating optical materials.  We are proud to announce that we now have a 5 axis Mazac Milling Center.  This will allow us to handle more complex shapes more easily.  This is in addition to our three 3-axis and one 4-axis CNC milling centers.


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