Inrad Optics

Northvale, NJ 07647


About Inrad Optics



181 Legrand Ave
Northvale, NJ 07647
United States

More Info on Inrad Optics

Inrad Optics manufactures exceptional crystalline materials, precision glass and metal optical components and photonic devices. We are vertically integrated from crystal growth through finished systems.


(Image credit: Inrad Optics)
Scintinel stilbene components from Inrad Optics are shown.

Phase I SBIR grant to support pixelated stilbene array development

Scintinel stilbene, an organic scintillator produced by Inrad Optics, exhibits good performance for neutron detection.
Conard 720
Lasers & Sources

Business Forum: Optical materials is no small business—An interview with Amy Eskilson

I have known Amy Eskilson since her days in marketing and business development at Thorlabs in the early 1990s, so I was delighted when she gave me the chance to ask questions ...
Potassium Acid Pthalate (KAP) single crystal boules grown at Inrad Optics.

Inrad Optics wins $1 million DOE research grant for x-ray crystals

Soft x-ray crystals will be used in fusion plasma diagnostics.
(Courtesy of Inrad Optics)
1-in.-diameter × 1-in.-tall stilbene cylinders are fabricated into scintillation detectors that can easily detect neutrons in the presence of gamma rays, with high neutron-gamma separation.
Test & Measurement

ORGANIC CRYSTALS: Stilbene crystals improve neutron detection

Under US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) contract HSHQDC-12-C-00020, Inrad Optics and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have cooperated to increase both the ...
FIGURE 1. An oscillating corner cube provides delay in this type of autocorrelator.
Test & Measurement

Autocorrelation finds wide application

The most-widely used instrument for measuring ultrafast laser pulses—the autocorrelator—is adapting to newer applications, such as microscopy.

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