Instrumentation for time-resolved fluorescence and single-photon counting: ps/ns pulsed and modulated diode lasers, fluorescence lifetime systems (confocal microscopes, spectrometers, FLIM and FCS upgrade for LSMs, PC modules for TCSPC
The HydraHarp 500 event timer and time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) unit offers up to 16 flexible channels for use in high-throughput applications involving rapid...
The PicoHarp 330 event timer and time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) unit provides timing precision of 2 ps RMS for single-channel measurements and 3 ps RMS between...
A new single-photon-counting confocal microscope combines state-of-the-art hardware with cutting-edge software to deliver high-quality data while simplifying daily operation.
Firmware and software updates for the MultiHarp 150 4P, 8P, and 16 P high-throughput multichannel event timers have improved the temporal resolution to 5 ps.
Here at Laser Focus World, we reached out to companies to learn ahead of time what photonics products and technologies they will be demonstrating on the exhibit floor.
Birkerød, Denmark--NKT Photonics has licensed parts of its photonic-crystal fiber (PCF) technology to pulsed diode lasers, single-photon counting, and fluorescence instrumentation...
PicoQuant GmbH (Berlin, Germany) celebrated the 10th edition of its European Short Course called Principles and Applications of Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Berlin...
Laser Zentrum Hannover researchers have, to the best of their knowledge, achieved the highest extracted pulse energy from an all-fiber amplification system seeded by a gain-switched...
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Laser Components GmbH and PicoQuant GmbH have forged a strategic alliance to develop and commercialize avalanche-photodiode (APD)-based photon counters.
The Fluorescence Lifetime (FLIM) upgrade kit from PicoQuant (Berlin, Germany) is now also available for Olympus' FluoView FV1000MPE two-photon confocal microscope with non-descanned...