nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH

Gerbrunn 97218


About nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH



Oberer Kirschberg 4
Gerbrunn 97218

More Info on nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH

We provide DFB and FP laser diodes at any wavelength from 760–3000 nm, interband cascade lasers from 3000–6000 nm and quantum cascade lasers from 6000–14000.


FIGURE 1. Absorbances of selected gas species with technological relevance in the range from 3–6 μm (a). Comparison of three different laser concepts for emission in the 'gap' region from 3–6 μm (b). Threshold power densities at room temperature are illustrated. Diode lasers are color-coded in black (results from University of Würzburg, Germany/nanoplus, Germany). Quantum-cascade lasers are red (results from Northwestern University, USA/Alpes Lasers SA, Switzerland). Interband-cascade lasers show significantly lower threshold power densities in the 3–6 μm range (green: results from Naval Research Laboratory, USA; blue: results from University of Würzburg, Germany). DFB ICLs with low power consumption for the entire range are feasible [compare DFB laser (green star) to BA results].
Lasers & Sources

INTERBAND CASCADE LASERS: ICLs open opportunities for mid-IR sensing

Singlemode interband-cascade lasers (ICLs) enable spectroscopic absorption measurements throughout the entire 3-6 μm wavelength range while using very little power.
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DFB laser diodes from Nanoplus enable gas sensing

Singlemode distributed-feedback (DFB) laser diodes in the 2.9–3.5 μm wavelength range enable gas sensing using tunable diode laser spectroscopy (TDLS), which detects gas species...
(Adapted from P. Kluczynski et al. [1])
FIGURE 1. The absorbance spectra are shown for selected hydrocarbons in the 3.0-3.6 µm mid-infrared region. Data are provided by the HITRAN molecular database.
Test & Measurement

PHOTONICS APPLIED: MID-IR SENSING: DFB laser diodes expand hydrocarbon sensing beyond 3 µm

Tunable diode laser spectroscopy (TDLS) enabled by distributed-feedback (DFB) laser diodes with monomode tuning behavior in the wavelength range exceeding 3 µm expands hydrocarbon...

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