A minimally invasive screening approach that works with a single drop of blood could potentially revolutionize both reactive and preventative healthcare.
From texting and navigation to banking and video streaming, smartphones are among the most multifaceted technologies ever developed. And now, chemical detection has joined its...
Spectrometry system obtains absorption spectra of gaseous molecules over a spectral range of 1.5 to 45 THz, with up to 240,000 spectral data points in a single measurement spanning...
A Raman microscopy-based imaging approach could crack the long-elusive code of lipids, their subtypes, and the key roles they play in human health, aging, and disease.
A new type of spectrometer is designed for broad spectral coverage, short acquisition times, and high spectral resolution—and it captures electronic, vibrational, and rotational...
Photon-cascade correlation spectroscopy enables peering into the quantum realm: Creating an image-in-time of photons reveals whether they tend to travel together or not, which...